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(一)对“意愿”的表达 一.表示在一定条件下愿意 1.certainly,as long as you can ship the goods before dec. 当然可以,只要你能在十二月之前装货。 2.certainly,but you must open the l/c on time. 当然可以,不过你必须按时开证。 3.certainly,if the conditions turn better. 如果情况好转,那当然可以。 4.i dont mind,as long as its necessary to extend the l/c. 只要有必要展证,我不反对。 5.i dont mind,but the l/c must be opened before dec. 我不反对,但是信用证要在十二前开出。 6.i dont see why not,as long as the price is reasonable. 只要价格合理,我看没什么不可以的。 7.i dont see why not,but the price should be a little bit lower. 我看没什么不可以的,但价格应该低一些。 8.id be happy to ,as long as the quality is satisfactory. 我很高兴,只要质量让人满意。 9.ill have it ,provided the price is reasonable. 只要价格合理,我就把它买下了。 10.im quite prepared to ,if the conditions permit. 我愿意这样做,只要条件允许。 11.of course,but dont increase the price again. 当然可以,不过别再涨价了。 12.yes,as long as the price is reasonable. 好的,只要价格合理。 13.yes,but that rather depends on the price level. 好的,但是这还要看价格而定。 14.i suppose so,but dont increase the price. 我看可以,但是不要涨价。 15.i suppose so ,if you cooperate with us . 如果你能与我们合作,我看可以。 16.no problem,but you must make a good arrangement beforehand. 没问题,但是你事先必须做好安排。 17.why not,if the conditions permit. 如果条件允许,没什么不可以的。 18.yeah,but you should ask the manager for permission. 好的,不过你应该征得经理的同意。 19.by all means,provided that you give us a discount. 只要您给我们一笔折扣,当然可以。 20.i see no objection whatever,but you should open the l/c at once. 我看没有什么可反对的,不过您应该立即开证。 21.very well,but youd better remind him once again. 很好,不过您最好再提醒他一次。 22.naturally,so long as the users are satisfied with the quality. 当然可以,只要用户对质量满意。 23.im perfectly willing,but let me have a look. 我完全愿意,不过得让我看一看。 二.表示不愿意 1.i didnt really want to extend the l/c. 我其实不想展证。 2.i dont really fancy doning business with him. 我其实并不愿意和他做生意。 3.i have certain reservations about increasing the price. 对于涨价一事我有某些保留意见。 4.i wouldnt be willing. 我不会愿意的。 5.im not sure we would find ourselves able to ship the goods withi this month.


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