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英语常用词汇与短语汇集 【笔者按】英语中有许多词汇与动词短语由其固有的用法和习惯用法,记住这些用法,并能举一反三、融会贯通,对于我们英语的阅读、写作和翻译,有着较大的帮助。现将笔者年轻时学习英语的笔记中记录的一些词汇与动词短语及其含义与例句整理、汇编如下,供英语爱好者学习、参考。需要说明的是,词汇与动词短语的排列方式是随机的,不是按字母顺序排列。介绍中若有不当之处,请读者不吝赐教。Besides 除…之外;尚有… [例句] There are three students in the class besides teacher. 教室里除了老师外,还有三个学生。(实际上是四个人) one of …之一,of后跟复数名词 [例句] China is one of the main producers of rice. most of …中的大部分 [例句] Most of us went home during holidays. many of …中的许多 [例句] Many of countries in Africa are developing country. continent 大陆;州,一词前必须用“on”,在…州,要用“in” [例句] Which continent is China on? 中国在哪一州? China is in Asia. 中国在亚洲。 China is on the continent of Asia. 中国在亚洲大陆。 here 或there是副词,前不能加“介词”——in, on [例句] It’s a pleasure to have an opportunity to study English here. 有机会在这儿学习英语是件愉快的事。 introduce 介绍 把你介绍给某人:introduce you to sb. 把某人介绍给你:introduce sb. for you before, ago 以前 从现在算起的以前,用ago(副词),动词往往用过去式。 [例句] I wrote a letter to my old friend three days ago. 三天前我给我的老朋友写了封信。 从过去某一时期算起的以前,用before(副词),动词往往用完成时态。 [例句] At that time he said that he had agreed to this proposal tow days before. 二天前他就说过,他同意这个建议。 before除了作副词,还可以作介词,表示具体的时间点: before tow o’clock. 二点钟以前,但二小时以前,必须tow hours age. worth 值得的…只能做作表语,后面跟动名词 [例句] The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 arrange (for)筹备;安排 作不及物动词用: [例句] We’ve arranged for the car to come at nine. They’re arranging for an excursion to Shanghai. 做及物动词用: [例句] We’ll arrange everything. We’ve arranged to see him tomorrow. something like =about 大约 [例句] It must be something like 7 o’clock. 大约7点钟。类似还有: something more than大约多于 something less than大约少于 nothing more than 不过是;正是;仅仅 [例句] You failure was due to nothing more than your own careless. 你的失败无非是你的粗心大意。 turn…into…兑换 [例句] Turn coins into paper money. 硬币兑换纸币。 all, both, everybody,…和not 连用,不构成全部否定,只是部分否定。 [例句] All metals are not good conductors. 翻译:[错误]所有的金属都不是良导体。 [正确]并非所有的金属都是良导体。 [例句] All the answers are not right.(部分否定) = Not all the answers are right. All answers are right.(全部肯定) None of the answers


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