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地道短语句子 You’re on. 你说对了。 I’m onto you. 我对你了如指掌。 The water is under the bridge now. 那已经是过去的事了。 Been here, done here. 既来之,则安之。 We’re in the same boat. 我们现在是一条船上的蚂蚱了。 Family doesn’t need to stand on ceremony. 一家人不说两家话。 My catsle(place/office…), my rule. 我的地盘我做主。 conform one’s ideas to popular taste 媚俗/随波逐流 a sight for sore eyes 让人赏心悦目的人/事 but into other people’s business 干涉他人私生活 roles we were born to fill 我们天生的使命 The smile on Mona Lisa’s face doesn’t mean that she is happy. 蒙娜丽莎的微笑不代表她很快乐。 I know you by reputation 久仰 Never dip your nip in the office ink. 兔子不吃窝边草。 go out of one’s way 费尽心思 I better dash. 我得赶紧走。 be blessed with sb. 有一个令人骄傲的…… The kids are the darnedest thing. 童言无忌。 Maybe we know each other in another life. 也许我们上辈子见过。 sink one’s teeth into 埋头干/了解必威体育精装版情况 the fruit of passions 爱情的结晶 《》 fake a smile 强颜欢笑 call the roll/call sb. Names 点名/辱骂某人 be on the payroll 被雇佣 a square peg a round hole 方枘圆凿 My palms are starting to sweat. 我手心开始冒汗了。 At ease! 稍息! Take a keen! 蹲下! be killed in action/combat 阵亡 a big foul-up 一个大误会 You got me. 你问倒我了。 It comes and goes. 偶尔。 If God’s on our side, who the hell could be on theirs? 如果上帝与我们同在,那谁与他们同在? If God be for us, who could be against us? 如果上帝助我,谁可阻我? Gear up! 拿起武器! Fall in! 入列! On the level? 确定? earn the right to go home 衣锦还乡 I’m all ears. 我洗耳恭听。 It’s going to be a real show. 好戏要上演了。 pull focus 定睛一看 good-cop, bad-cop us 分化我们 bear down on…/soft-coap… 跟……来硬的/跟……来软的 bring you up to speed 让你了解一下必威体育精装版情况 You’re in no position to disagree with me. 你没有资格反对我。 Don’t get cute now. 不要再卖乖了。 ball park 大差不差 I have been around. 我见过世面。 with one tail between two legs 夹着尾巴 something of that nature 差不多 full of hot air 满腹废话 Long live the King! 吾王万岁! I have a voice. 我有话语权。 Just because… , it doesn’t mean… . 仅仅因为……,不见得就……。 He’s expecting me. 他在等我。 Would whoever addressed me last night kindly make yourself known? (very formal) 昨夜与我交谈之人可否现身? say salutations 打招呼;致意 Ignorance is bliss. 无知是福。 Spring days rolled into summer days. 时光荏苒。/岁月流逝。 If you say so. / Wha



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