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1.The destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center made a symbolic statement that reverberated around the world,and the fact that people could watch the event on their television sets endowed it with an emotional impact that no terrorist act had ever achieved before. 2.The very first sentence of the September 2002 National Security Strategy (the Presidents annual laying out to Congress of the countrys security objectives) reads,The great struggles of the twentieth century between liberty and totalitarianism ended with a decisive victory for the forces of freedom and a single sustainable model for national success: freedom,democracy,and free enterprise. 1、(官方)对于震惊全球的世贸中心双塔的摧毁只作了一个象征性地声明,但事实上,人们把通过电视看到的这一事件赋予了强烈的情感冲击,这是之前任何恐怖行为所没有达到的。 2、2002年9月国家安全战略第一句(美国国家安全目标大会总统年刊)写道:“二十世纪民主和极权主义之间的斗争以自由力量决定性的胜利和单一的可持续发展模式全国性的成功(即民主、自由和自由企业)结束。” 或: 2002年9月国家安全战略第一句(美国国家安全目标大会总统年刊)写道:”自由力量取得决定性的胜利和单一的可持续发展模式即自由、民主、自由企业得到全国性的成功结束了二十世纪民主和极权主义之间最大的斗争。” 3.He must also put to rest questions of scandal(丑事、丑闻、流言蜚语),including charges(收费、控告、攻击) that Boeing (波音公司)competed for(争夺、竞争) rocket projects(火箭项目) with a competitors proprietary documents(竞争对手的专有文件),lobbied (游说)aggressively(侵略地、有攻击性地,激烈地) foe(敌人、对手) a 17 dollar billion deal to(协议) lease refueling tankers(租赁加油机),and dangled a job in front of a key Air Force official during the tanker talks 3、他必须解决这件丑闻剩下的问题,包括控告波音公司用对手的专有文件竞争火箭项目,和以17亿美元的交易积极游说对手租赁加油机,并在油轮会谈期间以最关键的空军官员头衔前的职位诱惑对手。 4.The Air Force needs the billions because if the tanker deal is revived and most military experts think it will be the Air Force will have to pay for 80 of the refueling planes upfront rather than lease them. 4、空军需要十亿,因为大部分军事专家认为如果油轮交易复苏,空军将不得不支付加油机的80预付款,而不是租赁他们。 5.But it is not unfair to judge those who got Irap wrong and thought five months ago that the mission of those young men,now hankering (渴望)down(热衷于) for a longer tour of duty than they ever expected,was over.It is not. 5、对那些认为伊拉克是错误的的评判并非不公平,认为5个月之前这些年轻人的使命就已经结束了,令他们意向不到的是现在他们的使命不再是热衷于更长期的


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