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庆六一女——尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾Distinguished leaders, ladies and gentlemen男——亲爱的老师们、同学们?Dear teachers and students合——大家好 ( 杨 )Hello everyone女——送去五月的芬芳Send the fragrance of may男——迎来六月的时光 ( 杨 )We welcome the time of June女——我们的心像怒放的花朵 Our heart is just like the blooming flowers男——荡起一片欢乐的海洋 ( 杨 )arouse a sea of joy女——六月,是童年的摇篮,是童年的梦乡June is the cradle of childhood, is the dreamland of pupilarity男——六月,有童年的沃土,有童年的太阳There is a fertile soil and the sunshine of childhood( 杨 )女——小朋友们迈着喜悦的脚步走进了六月,走进了我们自己的节日。The children with joyful steps walk into the June, walk into our own festival合——六一儿童节! ( 杨 )Childrens Day女——今天大家欢聚在一起,让我们用歌声唱出内心的喜悦,用舞蹈跳出心中崇高的理想! Today we come here together to sing the joy of our heart, to dance the dream of our mind.男——我们将用智慧与热情,播撒希望的种子!用梦幻与彩虹,编织出一个无悔的童年!( 杨 )we’ll plant the seed of our dreams by using our wisdom and passion, and weave a childhood without regrets男——在这个狂欢的派对即将开始的时候,让我们再次用热烈的掌声欢迎各位校领导——北大附中武汉为明实验学校校长…( 杨 )副校长…( 杨 )小学部主任…(杨)德育主任…(杨)教务主任…(杨)Before the starting of the party, let’s welcome our school leaders once again, the president of Weiming Experimental school…vice president… The director of primary section…the director of moral education…Director of Academic Affairs…女——(杨)眼睛是晶亮的明灯,是我们认识世界的钥匙。The eyes are just like lights, they are the key to know the world.眼睛是心灵的窗户,是我们传达心声的助手。The eyes are just like widows, they help us express our heart所以让我们共同“爱护眼睛,保护心灵之窗”。So let’s protect our eyes, protect the window of our hearts.一起来欣赏舞蹈班的同学们带来的舞蹈《眼睛,心灵的窗户》。let’s enjoy the dancing performance by dance class eyes, the window of heart?(杨)男——(杨)我们每一个人都有一个家,everyone of us has a family爸爸像太阳一样照着妈妈,our father like the sunshine warm the mother妈妈像绿叶一样托着红花,our mother like the leaf accompany with the flower我像种子一样悄悄发芽As for us, we just like the seed quietly germinating。我们是幸福吉祥的一家。We are a happy family.请欣赏一年3班的家长和同学为我们表演的吉祥三宝。Next, let’s enjoy the performance by Class 3 Grade 1 jixiangsanbao女——(杨)这个世界绚丽多彩,this is a wonderful world小朋友们在健康快乐地成长 and the children are growin


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