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现在进行时的否定句,一般在am, is, are后面加上not就可以了。   I am not watching football matches. 我现在没在看足球比赛。   Liming isnt running on the playground. 李明没在操场上跑步。   We arent studying English on computer. 我们现在没在电脑上学习英语。   注意:   1.在am is are 后面加 not   2.注意缩写形式   4.一般疑问句及回答   1) Are you reading English now?   Yes, I am. / No, I am not.   Yes, we arent. / No, they dont.   2) Are the workers building a bridge?   Yes, they are. / No, they arent.   3) Is the girl singing a song next room?   Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.   5.特殊疑问句:   1)Where is the girl singing a song?   → The girl is singing a song next room.   2)What is she buying?   → She is buying a hat.   3)What are they doing?   → They are making a birthday cake.   四、一般将来时   一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或状态。常和tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year/week/month, in two weeks, some day等等。   构成:主语 + will (shall) + 动词原形 (do) (do 来表示动词原形)   ⅰ.一般将来时态的肯定式:   1.I will come next week. 我下周来。   2.We will go to the Great wall next Sunday. 下周日我们将要去长城。   3.They will help me study English tomorrow. 他们明天将要帮助我学英语。   4.He will visit his grandmother in a week. 一周后他将要拜访(探望)他的奶奶。   5.Susan will buy a new bike. Susan将要买一辆新自行车。   注意:   将来时中,shall 只用于第一人称,即I shall, we shall。   I shall come next week. 我下周来。   We shall go to the Great wall next Sunday.下周日我们将要去长城。   注意: 在当代英语里,不管什么人称,都可用 will,而shall用于第一人称中。   主语 + will 的常用缩写形式:   I will = Ill [ail] 我将要   We will = Well [wi:l]   You will = Youll [ju:l]   They will = Theyll   He will = Hell   She will = Shell   It will = Itll   看下面的句子:   1.Ill come next week.   2.Well go to the Great wall next Sunday.   3.Theyll help me study English tomorrow.   4.Hell visit his grandmother in a week.   ⅱ.一般将来时态的否定式:   先看例子,你能说出它们是什么句子吗?   1.We will not have lessons tomorrow. 明天我们没有课。   2.These birds will not fly to the south in winter.   冬天这些鸟将不会飞到南方去。   3.They students will not play football next Sunday.   学生们下周日不踢足球。   4.My father will not go to work the day after tomorrow.   我爸爸后天不上班。   很明显,上述句子为一般将来时的否定句。注意缩写形式:will not = wont.  


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