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第01 课 第001 讲(北京大学刘莉 Linda)--------------- Akademeia [???????????] 古希腊雅典附近的一片森林→(后来,柏拉图在Akademeia 开办了学校)academy[????????] 专科学校,研究会,学会 the Academy 柏拉图的哲学思想 Academy Awards 奥斯卡金像奖最初的名字→Oscar Awards → academic [??????????] 学院的,理论的 I like to teach, because I like the academic calendar. 我喜欢教书,因为我喜欢学校里安排的作息。 This question is academic. 这个问题不切实际。 able [?????] 有能力的,能干的 He is able to do this job well. 他有能力做好这件工作。→ enable [???????] 使…能够 This student ID enables me to travel half price on train. 这个学生证使我乘火车能享受半价。 → unable [????????] 不能的,不会的 He was unable to catch the school bus. 他没能赶上校车。 → disable [????????] 使无能,(更多的是指人的一部分肢体)丧失能力 → ability [????????] 能力,本领 Without real ability, you can’t establish yourself in society. 没有真本领,人们无法立足于社会。 → disability [????????????] 无能,残疾 --------------------第002 讲(北京大学王子涵Miranda)-------------- action [??????] 行动,功能→ out of action 失去功能,失去效用 Can I borrow your bike? Mine is out of action! 我能借你的自行车用一下吗?我的坏掉了! → interaction [????????????] 相互作用,(如果相互间没有协作好,则会带来)干扰 There should be more interaction between you and your partner! 你和你的搭档得多多相互协作才行! → act [???] ①(n.) 行为辨指一次性的活动,而action 指的是多次的活动 a man of action 活动家 ②(v.) 行为,见效 Does the drug take long time to act? 药会很久才起作用吗? ③扮演,装作 → act the part of 扮演…角色 Oh, I know him. He acted the part of 007. 哦,我知道他,他扮演过007! act for 代理 A lawyer acts for his client. 律师代表他的客户。 → actor [?????] 男演员 → actress [???????] 女演员 → ①active [??????] 积极的,活跃的→ active member 积极分子;He is active. 他很活跃。 → activity [?????????] 活跃,活力 What s day full of activity! 多么热闹的一天啊! → ②actual [????????] 实际的,真实的→ actual cost 真实价值 → actually [?????????] 实际上,事实上 This is not very expensive; actually, it is very cheap! 它一点也不贵,事实上,便宜着呢! → ③react [??????] 反应,反作用 react against 反抗 People react against the aggressor! 人民反抗侵略者。 react on 对…有影响 How do the acids react on the metals? 酸对金属会起什么作用? → reaction [???????????] 反应,反作用 What was your father’s reaction when you told him the news? 当你告诉你爸爸这个消息的时候,他是什么反应啊? How did your father react when you told hi


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