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Text A saving the rainforests for future generations 本课主要单词 1. rainforest? n. 热带雨林 这是一个由名词rain加名词forest构成的复合名词。用rain加名词构成的复合名词,英语中还有不少。如:rainbelt (雨带),rainworm (蚯蚓)等等。 2. economic? adj. 经济(上)的,经济学的 economic是economy的形容词形式,economical也是economy的形容词形式,请看下面的例句,注意区别economic和economical。 1)economic:concerned with economics and with the organization of money industry, and trade of a country, region, or social group economic growth (经济增长) ?????????economic prosperity (经济繁荣) economic decline (经济衰退)?????????economic reform (经济改革) economic order (经济秩序)???????????economic depression (经济萧条) economic crisis (经济危机)???????????economic doctrines (经济学说) 2)economical:cheap,careful,efficient This car is economical to run. (开这辆车费用很省。) The child is so economical that he saves all his pocket money. (那个孩子很节省,他把零花钱都积攒了起来。) 形容词economic和economical的副词形式都是economically。 This region is unevenly developed economically. (这一地区的经济发展不平衡。) It is necessary that we should learn to live economically. (我们学会节俭地生活是必要的。) 3. deforestation? 砍伐森林 de-是前缀,意思是“除去,分离”。-ation是名词后缀。用de-做前缀的词在英文中也是比较常见的,如:defrost (去冰或霜),dehydrate (脱水),detach (分离,解开)等等。 The deforestation of rainforests will greatly upset ecological systems. (热带雨林植物的毁灭将对生态系统造成严重影响。) The Amazon Basin is quickly becoming deforested. (亚马逊盆地的植被将被砍伐殆尽。) 4. consequence? n. result, effect (结果,后果) 1) The young man would do what he likes regardless of the consequences. (那个年轻人将不顾后果去做他喜欢的事。) 2)They found themselves in a dilemma as a consequence of rapid changes in society. (由于社会的飞速发展他们发现自己处于进退两难的境地。) 3) He is a man of great consequence. (他是一个举足轻重的人。) 4) He will have to take the consequences if he doesnt apologize. (如果他不道歉,一切后果将由他承担。) consequently? adv. therefore,so,as a result (所以,因此) The rain was heavy and consequently the football match was put off. (雨下得很大,因此足球赛被延期了。) 5. massive? adj. extremely large (大而重的;大规模的,大量的) 1) The massive increase in oil prices put the taxi-drivers in a difficult situation. (燃油价格的大幅上升使出租车司机们面临困难。) 2)He saw massive changes in the vi


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