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两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 /test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 All those parties and gifts that come with the holiday season are supposed to fill our lives with joy. But as the Christmas and New Years season grows near, some students are thinking that the holidays will only bring problems. Believe it or not, those busy?schedules, a list of parties to attend, and gifts to buy are taking all the fun out of the season – and, according to some, putting friendships at risk.    华中师范大学二年级学生,18岁的杜敬琳就正为买送礼物而发愁。 Du Jinglin, an 18-year-old sophomore at Central China Normal University, is bothered by all the gifts she has to buy and?distribute.    “在节日期间,一个不落地派送朋友礼物,这真的是一个负担,”杜敬琳说。“在此期间,更多人倾向于展示社交能力的舞台,而不再是分享真情。” Its such a?burden?to cover all of my friends during the holiday season, said Du. [This period] hasbecome more about showcasing ones social skills than about sharing love.   杜敬琳表示,去年他忘了送一位室友礼物。此后,她们间就有着说不出的尴尬。 Last year, Du says she forgot to buy a gift for one of her roommates and ever since there has been an unspoken?awkwardness?between them.    深圳某咨询中心的心理专家齐峥表示,像杜敬琳这样的经历显示出年轻人已经误解了赠送礼物的初衷。 Qi Zheng, a psychologist at a Shenzhen-based?consulting center, says stories like Dus show that young people have come to misunderstand the purpose of gift-giving.    “节日里的一件礼物或者某些特殊时刻收发的一条短信,这些都不能够维持一段友谊,”齐峥说。“友情需要长期地奉献出自己的情感与时间。” Friendships cannot be?sustained by a single gift on a holiday, or by a text message on some special occasions, said Qi. [Friendships] require long-term devotion of both emotion and time.    派对也是同样的道理:每年一两次的朋友聚会不能确必威体育官网网址友们不会彼此疏远。19岁的人大学生陈银泽已婉拒了两个来自同学的派对邀请,其中的一个是通宵K歌派对。在他眼中,聚会只会提醒他一个事实,那就是他与一些朋友开始有了距离,变得生疏起来。 The same goes for parties: Gathering with friends once or twice a year cant ensure that close friends dont drift apart. Chen Yinze, a 19-year-old at Renmin University, has turned down two party?invitations from his classmates, one being an overnight karaoke bash. In his eyes, the party would have only reminded him of how far he has drifted from some of his fri


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