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两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平/test/kuaisu.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:外媒看中国:中国女人开网店,厉害到飞起! Wu Xiaoyu opened her first online store in 2009 before WeChat existed. 早在2009年微信普及前,吴晓雨就开了自己的第一家网店。 She was working full time as a digital strategy analyst for a marketing firm in the city of Zhengzhou, in Henan Province, but she had a project she couldn’t stop thinking about. 吴晓雨是河南省郑州市一家营销公司的全职数据策划分析师,但在她心中,一直有个想法萦绕不去: She wanted to sell local products like honey and walnuts from her hometown in a mountainous region of Henan, since the children and elders still living there were not equipped to market for themselves. 她想做生意,产品即为自己的家乡 — 河南某山区的当地特产,如蜂蜜、胡桃,因为留在当地生活的老人小孩没有能力把这些东西拖到集市去卖。 So after work, she started posting ads on online message boards and building a customer base. 因此,吴开始利用自己的闲暇时光在网络消息平台上做宣传,逐渐打造了良好的客户基础。 After two years, Wu quit her job in order to both officially register her company and give birth to her daughter. 两年后,吴辞去工作,把精力集中在注册公司以及孕育女儿上。 Today, Wu owns two WeChat stores (Youjian Haitao and Guozhen Liaode ), employs just under 40 people, and takes orders from about 600,000 customers. 时至今日,吴已拥有两家微信小店(名字分别为“有间海淘”和“果真了得”),雇员不到40人,却坐拥60多万名客户,每月销售额达到了2百80万人民币(合约40万7千美元)。 Generating around 2.8 million yuan ($407,000) in sales per month, she is one of a growing number of women who are reshaping the gender balance of Chinese entrepreneurship through ecommerce. 作为中国与日俱增的女性电商企业家群体中的一员,吴无疑为推动中国企业家身份走向性别平等献了一份力。 “It’s not about how much power you have, or your knowledge or education or money. It’s about how creative what the merchant wants to provide to the customers is,” says Elvica Yu, CFO of the WeChat-integrated ecommerce software provider Youzan. “无关权力,无关学问,无关教育,无关金钱。真正重要的是商家想要为顾客发挥自己多大的创造力。”微信电子商务平台供应商“有赞”的首席财务官俞韬如是说。 Yu says that unlike traditional ecommerce sellers who attract customers by spending on advertising and sponsored placement in search results, WeChat sellers develop their customer base through personal networks and creating shareable content. 俞表示,与传统电商不


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