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高二英语Unit17 Disabilities知识点精讲教案 Section I 课前准备、听力、口语 1. Talk about disability? (p. 49 Goal 1) * disability和inability ▲ dis-和in-都是表示否定意义的前缀,但用在ability前,表示不同的意思,disability意为“残疾”,而inability意为“无能力”“没办法”。请比较下列例句,注意这两个词的不同意思。 I was surprised at her inability to do things promptly. 她不能迅速处事,我感到惊异。 She is deaf,but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do. 她失聪,但她不让自己的残疾妨碍自己去做想做的事。 His inability to pay his debts made his parents worried. 他无力偿还债务使他父母亲很着急。 Her lack of experience is a severe disability. 她缺少经验是一个严重的障碍。 【注】ability的形容词是able,其前也有两个否定前缀,dis-和an-表示不同的意思,disable是动词,意为“使……伤残”,而unable则是形容词,表示“不能的”“不会的”。如: That illness disabled him and left him unable to work. 那病使他残疾,不能工作。 An accident disabled him from teaching. 一次交通事故使他再也不能教书了。 He seems unable to understand the simplest instructions. 他看来似乎连最简单的说明也不懂。 He was unable to sleep at night because of his anxiety. 他因焦虑而晚上睡不着。 2. magine what difficulties and dangers you might face. 想像一下你可能面对的困难和危险。(p.49 Warming up Ex.1) ▲ imagine (1) vt. imagine + 名词/代词/动名词/从句 Can you imagine a fat man like that climbing? 你能想像得出那样胖的人爬山吗? I cant imagine asking him for money. 我难以想像向他开口要钱。 注意:imagine不接不定式。只接动名词 Its hard to imagine a greater threat to world peace. 难以想像还有对世界和平更大的威胁。 You cant imagine how I missed the bird. 你想像不到我是多么想念那只鸟。 注意:imagine sb. to be结构,但不能说imagine sb. to do. 如: You imagine yourself (to be) in the place. 设想你处在这个位子上。 (×) I can’t imagine you to do anything worse. (√ ) I can’t imagine you doing anything worse. 我难以想像你还能做更差的事。 (2) imagine可用于双重问句形式,其结构为特殊疑问句,imagine部分为插入部分,类似动词还有think, believe, suggest, suppose, guess等。 What do you think his explanation is? 你认为他的解释是什么? Which mouse do you imagine we should pick out? 你认为我们该挑哪种鼠标? 注意:该句型为特殊疑问句形式,所以回答时应用特殊疑问句的回答形式。-- How much do you think this car cost? 这车你认为值多少钱? -- I think it costs 4, 000 dollars. 我认为值4 000美元。 注意:此类动词反问句的构成有两种情况:当主句主语是第一人称时,反问根据从句;当主句主语为二、三人称时根据主句。 I think she is the best student in our class, isnt she? 我认为她是我们班最好的学生,不是吗? She th


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