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西安交通大学17年3月课程考试《专业英语》作业考核试题 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. n ltri htr rws 10 from 120V lin. Th rsistn of th htr is _____. . 1200? . 120? . 12? . 1.2? 标准答案: 2. In th root-lous mtho th tul tim rspons of systm n otin y mns of _____. . th invrs Fourir trnsform . th invrs Lpl trnsform . th Fourir trnsform . th Lpl trnsform 标准答案: 3. Som shools th ut fil to (_______) thir stunts. . ut . instrut . nlightn . itoril 标准答案: 4. Finlly, th thr rliz tht th girl ws rying ____. . us wht h h si . us tht h h si . us of wht h h si . us of tht h h si 标准答案: 5. W r going to hv ning prty tonight. Woul you lik to join us? ---- (_______) . . Im fri not. us I hv n ppointmnt with my ntist tonight . Of ours not. I hv no i . No, I n‘t . Tht‘s ll st 标准答案: 6. Whn John m in, sh (_______) hr tlk with Lin n tlk to him. . rok off . ll off . rrir off . psss out 标准答案: 7. It is rport tht two rs (_______) into h othr this morning on th highwy, killing oth rivr n two pssngrs. . rwl . rouh . prss . rsh 标准答案: 8. omputr printr is _____ vi tht prous omputr-gnrt txt or grphil imgs on ppr. . n input . n output . storg . t prossing 标准答案: 9. Thy took th injur stright to th hospitl. Othrwis som of thm (_______) . . might hv i . might i . woul i . oul i 标准答案: 10. I _____on sof us my prnts hv om for th wkn. . slpt . ws slping . hv slpt . m slping 标准答案: 11. ny prottion shm onsists silly of _____. . two lmnts . thr lmnts . four lmnts . fiv lmnts 标准答案: 12. ijing is on of _____ itis in hin. . lrg . lrgr . th lrgst . lrgst 标准答案: 13. W hv om to ritil momnt. You must tk immit (_______) . . t . tion . tivity . oings 标准答案: 14. 1 . . . . 标准答案: 15. “Hv you sn Lo Wu rntly?” “It looks (_______) h woul rturn hom tomorrow.” . lik . s . s if . tht 标准答案: 16. H stui hr in his youth, (_______) ontriut to his grt suss in ltr lif. . tht . it . wht . whih 标准答案: 17. Mry’s othr promis to go to Lonon with us, ut now h is onsiring___. . h osn’t go . not to go . not going . not go 标准答案: 18. Th - onvrts _____ inpu


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