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New Words: 1undergo vt. experience sth. 经历;经受 EG: He was frightened when he realized he would have to undergo a dangerous heart operation. 当他知道自己要接受一个危险的心脏手术时,感到十分恐惧。 They were eventually released after undergoing a terrifying torture. 在遭受残酷的折磨后,他们最终被释放了。 2conclude conclude (v.) ---conclusion (n.); vt.1. decide that sth. is true after considering all the information available 推断;得出结论 EG: From his appearance, we may safely conclude that he is a heavy smoker. 从他的外表来看,我们可以有把握地断定他是个烟瘾很大的人。 The jury listened carefully to the evidence and concluded that the man was guilty. 陪审团仔细倾听了证词后,判定那名男子有罪。 The jury concluded from the evidence that she was guilty. 陪审团根据证据得出结论,认定她有罪。 2. bring sth. to an end 结束;完成 EG: They concluded the conference with the national anthem. 他们在国歌声中结束了会议。 Before I conclude I would like to thank you all for attending this meeting. 在结束之前我想感谢各位出席本次会议。 She concluded her talk with a funny story. 她用一个有趣的故事结束了她的谈话。 Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英国与中国签署了一个贸易协定。 3orderly orderly (a.) ---order (n. / v.); a. well arranged or organized 整齐的;井然有序的 EG: The books are in orderly rows on shelves. 书整齐有序地排列在书架上。 There must be an orderly transition of power to the new government. 与新政府的权力交接必须井然有序。 4household n.[C] all the people living together in a house 家庭;一家人 EG: Almost all households have a television. 差不多家家户户都有电视机。 Many poor households are experiencing real hard times. 许多贫穷家庭正过着极度艰难的生活。 a. used in homes or relating to homes 家庭的;家用的 EG: household expenses 家庭开支 household chores 家务杂活 5release vt.1. make sth. known or available to the public 发布 EG: The new trade figures have just been released. 新的贸易数字刚刚公布。 A report released last week by the United Nations shows that unemployment has soared from about 70,000 to 260,000. 上周联合国发布的报道显示,失业人员从7万急剧上升到26万。 They have just released the news to the public. 他们刚刚把这一消息公布给大众。 2. let sb. leave a place where they have been kept 释放,放出 EG: She released the rabbit from the trap. 她把兔子从捕兽夹中放了出来。 The hostages


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