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中文名字以及轶事的中文解释 英文名字 轶事 利用点 阿基米德 Archimedes Archimedes was immersed in family while as a child, the range of his knowledge was very wide, and found the Archimedes’ principle while having a bath 家庭对一个人的影响。 爱因斯坦 少年时代的爱因斯坦比较笨,后来对物理极度爱好,提出了相对论因此而质疑了牛顿的经典力学。几年后,揭示了光电效应,发现了质能方程并荣获1921年的诺贝尔物理学奖。 Albert Einstein Einstein of boyhood is more stupid, afterward; he showed the extreme hobby of physics and queried Newton’s classic mechanics because of his putting forward Theory of Relativity. After the few years, he also gave a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect and won Noble Prize for Physics of 1921. 年幼的时候应该把所有的孩子进行集中训练;任何据称是事实的信息都应该被质疑,将来很有可能会被证明是错误的;墨守陈规不会成功。 安徒生 丰富的想象力 Anderson Anderson shows plenty of imagination (fertile imagination) 想象文学作品的应用 巴斯德 高温消毒法 一个科学家应该想到的不是当时人们对它的表扬或者辱骂,而是未来若干世纪中人们怎么评价他。 Pasteur The Law of high-temperature sterilization What a scientist should think of is not praise to it of people at that time or abasement, but how people in future centuries appraise him 评价历史人物 贝多芬 德国伟大的作曲家,从小就开始学习小提琴和钢琴,一生作品丰富,贝多芬一直在莫扎特与海顿的音乐中成长. Beethoven The great composer of Germany, has begun to study the violin and piano since childhood, the works are abundant in all one’s life, Beethoven grows up in the music of Mozart and Hayden 在任何领域有重大意义的成功都必须接受过取得成就;天才要在早期培养;超人的毅力。 比尔盖茨 微软创始人,从哈佛退学创立公司。 Bill Gates Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, left Harvard and found the company. 自学成才 Be educated though independent study 达芬奇 数学家,建筑师,雕塑家,艺术家 把其他学科的知识应用到绘画上。 从来没有一个艺术家像莎士比亚一样能够更合适地被称为一个天才;达芬奇出身寒微,而后声名显赫 Leonardo de Vinci Mathematician, architect, sculpture, artist Apply the knowledge of other disciplines to painting There has never been an artist who was more fittingly, and without qualification, described as a genius. Like Shakespeare, Leonardo came from an insignificant background and rose to universal acclaim. 所有学生都应该被要求学习理科,尽管有人对理科不感兴趣;想象力的题目;其他学科对自身研究领域的影响 笛卡尔 法国著名哲学家,数学家,物理学家,同时对气象,生物等学科都做出了许多研究,解析几何的创立者。找了个地方安心做学问,提出了普遍怀疑原则,著名的公式“我思,故我在” Descartes D


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