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汉译英练习 Text 1: 这幅图画生动地描绘了一些无所事事的大学生,要么沉溺于互联网,要么逃课、做生意、参加各类选秀比赛,完全忽视了自己的学习. This picture portrays some idle university students. They get addicted to the Internet, skip classes, do business or participate in star-selecting competitions, totally ignoring their study. 害怕困难,所以逃学或者沉溺互联网,以转移学习负担. 为流传的成功事例所吸引,梦想一夜成功.不管理由为何,这些行为都不值得推荐. Some of them are afraid of hardness, so they play truant or get addicted to the Internet to shift the academic burden. Others are fascinated by the legends of certain successful businessmen or actors and attempt to pursue overnight success. Whatever the reasons are, their behaviors are not recommendable. 基础知识是在未来取得成就的前提条件;从长远角度讲,忽视学习的人获得成功的机率比较小. Since basic knowledge is the prerequisite for any achievements, those who ignore study in university will have little chance to succeed in the long run. 学生应当认识到,获得知识是他们的主要任务:人只有在积累了一定的知识和经验之后,才会有所成就. In my opinion, these students should realize that acquiring knowledge is their main task. Only when a person accumulates enough knowledge and experience, can he get somewhere. 所以,今天的大学生应当把焦点放在学习上,这样才能完成贮藏知识的任务,为在将来的学习道路上进一步克服潜在的障碍做好准备. Therefore, university students should concentrate on their studies to accomplish the task of storing knowledge and prepare to overcome the potential obstacles in the journey of learning. Text 2: 在上面的这幅画中,木桶里的水顺着那块短板淌了一地;而边上则是一条铁链,其中一个快断裂的链条在痛苦地呻吟,说自己已经无法继续承受拉力.这两幅相似的场景中,木桶和铁链之所以无法有效发挥自己的功用,原因都在于自身的弱点. Water is pumping out through the hole in the cracked barrel, wetting the ground. Next to the barrel, a broken iron chain is painfully moaning that it couldn’t bear the strain. In the two similar scenes, the barrel and the iron chain can’t perform their function effectively because of their weak points. 事物能有多好的表现,往往是由其弱点来决定的.这可以用来解释为什么学习要注重平衡. How well a thing can perform is decided by its weaknesses. This theory can insightfully explain why it is theoretically not a wise idea to separate science and arts disciplines in schools. 发展不平衡的同学,其成就会因对某些学科的无知而受到限制.我们看到的一些所谓专家的高见便可证


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