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Unit 2 Healthy eating .单词拼写 1.Just to satisfy my________(好奇心), how much did you pay for your car? 2.We spent two hours analysing the teams strengths and__________(缺点). 3.That young woman has a(n)________(苗条的)figure. 4.I have only a________(有限的)understanding of French. 5.With the production going up, an increasing supply of__________(未加工的)materials is needed. 6.They exist on a d________of fish. 7.This rich food doesnt d________easily and you mustnt eat too much. 8.The girl lost her b________and fell off the balance beam. 9.We dont want to lose them—they are one of our biggest c________. 10.Do I get a d________if I buy a whole case of wine? 答案:1.curiosity 2.weaknesses 3.slim 4.limited 5.raw 6.diet 7.digest 8.balance 9.customers 10.discount .完成句子 1.她为了减肥,饮食很有规律。 She is________ ________ ________ ________to________ ________. 2.良好的教育对我们的成长有好处。 A good education will________ ________ ________ ________our growth. 3.对孩子撒谎的事不能不了了之。 You shouldnt let your child________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 4.没有什么比旅行更令人愉快的事了。 ________is________ ________ ________travelling. 5.老板能对高薪和长工时的好处做权衡。 The boss can________ ________ ________of a high salary against the long working hours. 答案:1.on a special diet; lose weight 2.be of benefit to 3.getting away with telling lies 4.Nothing; more pleasant than 5.balance the benefits .单项填空 1.The editors job is to keep the newspaper________and________to the readers. A.balanced; interested B.balancing; interesting C.balanced; interesting D.balancing; interested 答案:C balanced在此是过去分词作宾补,意为“平衡的”;interesting“有趣的”。句意:编辑的工作就是保持报纸版面的平衡和内容的趣味性。 2.The suspect________to the police that the hammer still________where he had________it. A.lay; lay; lain     B.lay; lied; laid C.lied; lay; laid D.lied; laid; lain 答案:C 句意:嫌疑犯向警察撒谎说那把铁锤仍然在他原来放的地方。第一空意思是“撒谎”(lie),其过去式为lied, lie to sb.意思是“向某人撒谎”;第二空意思是“位于,在(lie)”,其过去式为lay;第三空意思是“放置(lay)”,其过去式为laid。 3.Despite high prices of the goods, the shopping mall is always attracting a lot of customers for its________supplies. A.


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