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听课学习心得 通过这次的听课学习,我从中获得了很多的讲课的技巧与方法。总共是三节课,前两节是现场课,最后一节是视频课,顺便提一下,这节视频课的录制效果有点差,也许是设备的档次不好,我感觉最好还是把老师的活动和学生的活动都能像电视剧一样的镜头录制下来最好,如果只是这样的简单录制,没有层次感,听起来也比较累,我想,听一遍有时还是听不出来的。然后,下面我就说说前两节课的感受和心得,第一节是一位很年轻的女教师讲的,注意的地方是,话筒要再适当得远一点,否则声音效果太大化,导致声音不清晰,很好的地方是,青年教师素质高,口语很好,各个环节处理的效果较好,值得称赞的是特别是这节课的课件制作的非常好,课件制作的好,也就能充分的把这节课的内容给展示出来,并且老师只是好好得记住各个活动环节就是了,从而才能充分的发挥自己的特长,学生上起课来也能轻松了许多,再加上上课有学案,学生更能充分得进入学习当中去。第二节课是李老师的课,久闻大名,这次听后感受颇深,除了口语没有上一位老师好些以外,其他的都非常不错,课文内容的深挖掘处理,以及思路图的编辑,过程,一切的一切都为学生铺好了路,可见,学生怎么才能学不会呢? 所以,我们以后备课的时候,一定要静下心来好好的处理好各个环节,为学生想好各个知识点的学习方法,教学生不仅仅教的是知识和内容,更重要的是学习方法。这样又何愁成绩上不去呢? Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ? (Section B 2a–2e) 教学目标: 知识与技能 Grasp the phrases and words. 2) Let Ss learn how to read and find out the main ideas. 3)Practice the Ss’ speaking ,reading ,listening and writing abilities. 教学重点: Master the new words. Learn to read and give the main idea and the mind-map. 教学难点: Cultue of America and some main words and phrases. 教学准备 教师备:PPT 课件 学生备:课堂笔记,练习本,铅笔和画图纸或白纸。 教学过程 Step 1:Warm-up T: Ask the Ss to role-play part 1d in SectionB in the front of the classroom. Ss:Role-play the conversation in pairs (The others listen to them carefully and check their work) 【设计意图】热身并为本课做好准备工作,同时热身复习舒缓了紧张的气氛。 Step 2:Lead-in (2a) T : Show the pictures Then let them answer the two questions. T: Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs then in groups.The teacher goes around and help. Ss:Work in pairs then in groups.(ask the classmates or the teacher for help) T: Invite several pairs of students to role-play their conversations in front. Ss:Prepare to role-play their conversations and when Ss work they must listen to them carefully and check the work for them. 【设计意图】在热身和复习句型的基础上能顺利的完成2a部分的教学任务和学习任务,同时为2B 部分做准备。 Step 3: Scan and find out the inportant words and phrases . T: Ask them to learn together and try to find out their meanings. T: Invite several pairs of students to read and write them down on board. 【设计意图】2b部分的简单处理,及基础铺垫。 T:Let the Ss scan the


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