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30 2 四 川 环 境 Vol30, N o2 2011 4 SICHUAN ENVIRONMENT April 2011 成 银, 高乃云, 张可佳 (, 200092) : 硫醚类物质引起我国饮用水嗅味问题的典型嗅味物质 绍了硫醚类物质的气味特征和产生来源; 绍了感官 分析法仪器分析法和感官气相色谱分析法 3 个主要的硫醚类物质检测技术的研究进展, 简要阐述了各检测方法的优 缺点和适用范围; 论述了氧化技术吸附技术组合工艺对硫醚类物质的去除效果, 阐明了去除技术适应情况及其主 要问题 : ; ; ; : X 03 : A : 1001-3644( 2011) 02-0119-06 P rogress of Inspection and R em oval T echnology of Th ioeth er CHENG Y in, GAO Na-i yun, ZHANG Ke-jia (S tate K ey L a bora tory of P ollution Contro l R esources R euse, Tongj i Un iv. , Shang ha i 200092, Ch ina ) Abs tract: Th ioether compounds w ere typical odoran ts in drinking water in China. In th is paper the odor characteristics and sources of th ioether com pounds w ere introduced. The progress of analysis technologies of thioether com pounds such as sensory analysis, instrum ental analysis and sensory gas chrom atography aswell as their advantages, disadvantages and applicability w ere review ed. The effects and prob lem s of thioether rem oval technologies includ ing oxidation, adsorption and com bination technology w ere summ arized. K eyw ord s: Drink ing w ater; thioether; odoran ts; summ arization 1 引 言 200 , , , 114001 69 430 ng/L [ 4, 5] , [ 6] [ 1~ 3] , W ajon , [ ] Khiari , 6


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