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美联英语提供:SAT考前必背高频词(251-300) /test/liuxue.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 251. gerrymandering gerrymandering /?d??r??m?nd?r??/ N-UNCOUNT Gerrymandering isthe act ofaltering political boundaries in order to give an unfair advantageto onepolitical party or group of people. (为使某一党获得优势)改划选区 [表不满] 252. dilapidated dilapidated /dl?p??de?t?d/ TEM8 ADJ A building that isdilapidated is oldand in a generally bad condition. 破旧的 例: ...anold dilapidated barn. …一座破旧的谷仓。 253. debilitated debilitate /db?l??te?t/ TEM8 (debilitating, debilitated, debilitates) V-T If you are debilitated bysomethingsuch as an illness, it causes your body or mind to become gradually weaker. 虚弱 [正式] [usu passive] 例: Stewart took over yesterdaywhen Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus. 昨天因拉塞尔患有肠炎身体变得虚弱,斯图尔特已经接管了他的工作。 254. sophistry sophistry /s?f?str?/ N-UNCOUNT Sophistry is thepractice ofusing clever arguments that sound convincing but are in fact false.诡辩术 [正式] 例: Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economicliteracy. 政治竞选更多取决于诡辩之术而非对经济是否懂行。 255. animosity animosity /n??m?s?t?/ TEM8 ( animosities) N-UNCOUNT Animosity is astrong feeling ofdislike and anger. Animosities are feelings of this kind. 强烈敌意 [also N in pl] 例: Theres a long history of animosity between the two nations. 在那两个国家间存在着历史悠久的强烈敌意。 256. antipathy antipathy /?nt?p?θ?/ TEM8 N-UNCOUNT Antipathy is astrong feeling ofdislike or hostility toward someone or something. 憎恶 [正式] 例: ...the voting publics antipathy toward the president. …投票民众对总统的憎恶。 257. disheartened disheartened /ds?hɑ?t ?nd/ ADJ If you are disheartened,you feeldisappointed about something and have less confidence or less hopeabout it thanyou did before. 灰心的 例: He was disheartened by their hostile reaction. 他被他们敌意的反应弄得灰心了。 258. hackneyed hackneyed /h?kn?d/ TEM8 ADJ If you describe somethingsuch as asaying or an image as hackneyed, you think it is no longer likely tointerest,amuse, or affect people because it has been used, seen, or heard manytimesbefore. 老生常谈的; 不新奇


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