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Unit 1 What’s the matter? 怎么了? 做题前,一定要弄清楚这句话想表达什么意思。 身体各部位的名词 复习情态动词 情态动词should ,意为“应当,应该”, 用以表达 职责和义务, 提出劝告。 should没有人称和数的变化, 其后跟动词原形. 如: You should go to see the dentist now. She should visit her grandparents every week. We /They should invite Mr. Dean to the party. 含有should的句子的句式变化 含有should的句子变成否定句是在should后面加上not, 可以缩写成shouldn’t,意思是“不应当,不应该” 含有should的句子变成一般疑问句,直接将should提到主语前面, 肯定回答:Yes, 主语(人称代词)+should 否定回答:No, 主语(人称代词)+shouldn’t 如:He should do his homework first after school.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) Should he do his homework first after school? Yes, he should ./No, he shouldn’t. matter , n. 意为“问题,事情”,是可数名词,复数形式是matters What’s (=what is ) the (the不要漏掉) matter? “怎么了?,出什么事了?,哪儿不舒服?” 意为“怎么了? 出什么事了?”用于询问某人发生了什么不愉快的事情,周边发生了什么事情等等,也可用来询问某人哪里不适。 如果要询问具体某人/某物怎么了,要由介词“with“引出具体的询问对象。 What’s the matter with….? 意为“….怎么了?”= What’s wrong (with….)?= What happened (to…)?发生了什么事情= What’s the trouble (with….)? 拓展:matter 作为动词,意为“有关系,要紧”,常用于否定句和疑问句。一般以it为主语。 如: It doesn’t matter. 没关系。不要紧。 如:What’s the matter with the little boy? 如:What’s the matter with you, Lily? 如:What was the matter with him?(改为同义句) What happened to him? 如:Mum , I’m not feeling well.妈妈,我不舒服。 Oh, dear! A____ A, What’s wrong ?怎么了? B, Not at all.根本不。 C, All right .一切都好。 人们还常用以下结构询问疾病,不适及突发情况 (There is ) something wrong with…. . .....有毛病。 Do you have a / an +疾病名称? 如:There is something wrong with my stomach so I can’t eat anything. 如:Look ! There’s something strange in the sky. What’s it ? 如:Please speak loudly, because there is B with my ears. A, anything wrong B, something wrong C, wrong something have a cold 意为“感冒,着凉”,=catch


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