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2007.4 Graphs 类类俱到、选取典型数据 简单明确、说明一个问题 套用模板、牢记表达方式 Types Sample 1 Sample 1 People Below Poverty Line Outline: 下图所示为中国三年中贫困线以下人口的 变化,请描述其变化 请说明发生这些变化的原因 解决目前中国贫困人口问题还有什么困难 Template 1 Sample 1 Sample 1 Recently, the issue of people below poverty line has aroused much interest. As can be seen from the graph, the number of people below poverty line decreased during the years of 1978 to 1997. In 1978, there are 250 million throughout the country while in 1997 only 50 million people were under the line. Sample 1 Several factors contribute to the decrease. First of all, the government’s policy of reform and opening up has accelerated the country’s development and prospered its economy. Second, people’s living condition has improved remarkably. All this results in a drop in the poverty-stricken population. Sample 1 From the analysis above, we can safely conclude that this change will bring us much benefit. However, there are still many people living below poverty line due to China’s overpopulation, limited resources and relatively low employment, to name just a few. Of course, the government is making every effort to solve those problems. Sample 2 Changes in the Way of Travel Sample 2 Changes in the Way of Travel Outline: 下图所示为某城市1990年至2003年间人们旅行乘车方式的变化,请描述其变化 简述你从中得出的结论 Template 2 Sample 2 The table shows the changes in the way people travel. During the years between 1990 and 2003, the number of people traveling by train, by air and by private car has changed a great deal. Sample 2 As can be seen from the table, there are two remarkable tendencies: one is the rate of traveling by air, and the other is that by private cars. The former rose from 8% in 1990 to 25% in 2003, while the latter from 10% to 32%, both increasing more than 3 times. The table also shows that the number of people traveling by train decreased by 23% though it is still many people’s first choice. Sample 2 I think two things caused the changes. First, people are better off. They can afford to travel


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