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Practical Writing Letters 1;The format of the letter;The heading;The heading;The heading;The inside address;The salutation;The salutation;The salutation;The body;The complimentary close;The complimentary close;The signature;The envelope;Air Mail 航空信 Registered (Regd.) 挂号信 Express 快件 Urgent (Immediate) 急件 Rush 速件 Private 亲收 Confidential 密函 Printed Matter 印刷品 Please Do Not Bend 请勿折叠 Photos Included 内附照片 With Compliments 赠品;Addressor’s address Nov. 21, 2005 Addressee’s address Dear sir: The sales job which you describe in your advertisement in the Mirror of April 19 is one for which I think I can show you some excellent qualifications. You ask for a “go-getter with proven experience.” As you’ll see from my resume, I’ve turned in an above-average sales record for the past five years, ever since entering the sales field. While I’m quite happy in my present work, the description of your job sounds even more appealing. I’d enjoy discussing my qualifications with you at your convenience. Sincerely (Signature) Jack smith Encl. ;Addressor’s address Nov. 21, 2005 Addressee’s address Dear sir: The sales 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。my qualifications with you at your convenience. Sincerely (Signature) Jack smith Encl.; Addressor’s address Nov. 21, 2005 Addressee’s address Dear sir: The sales 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。my qualifications with you at your convenience. Sincerely (Signature) Jack smith Encl.


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