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Writing Thesis in English: A Course in Writing for English Majors《英语专业毕业论文写作教程》主编 张秀国 Ch. 1 The Process of Research and Research Writing The research and the creation of an academic paper can be divided into eight stages: ∣ → (1) Select a Topic ↓ ∣<━>(2) Explore Data ↓ ∣<━>(3) Gather Data ↓ ∣ ← (4) Formulate the Thesis ↓ ∣ → (5) Organize Data ideas ↓ ∣ ← (6) Actual Writing ↓ ∣ ← (7) Review and Revise ↓ ∣ (8) Submit 2.1 Choosing a Topic Choose a subject/topic—the first and biggest problem Take the following into consideration: 1. Importance and Interest 2. Manageability 3. Availability of Resources Avoid a Too Broad Topic Subdivide what we know to a manageable size and complexity. “Twentieth-Century China” “Education in China“ “World History” Broad topic: “Education” → (higher education, middle school education, adult education, . . .) ↓ “higher education” → (higher education in China, in USA, Japan, France, . . .) ↓ “higher education in China” → (higher education in China in the 20th century, in the 21st century, . . .) ↓. . . Avoid a Too Narrow Topic A too narrow topic is trivial and uninteresting. The writer is faced with not enough information to base a paper on. “Suchuan cooking spice” Narrow topic: Mark Twains Rabbits Less narrow topic: Mark Twain’s Animals” Useful topic: Animals in Mark Twains Writing Are they suitable topics for a paper of 5000 words? 1.文化与翻译 2.电影层面上的文化入侵 3.口译与笔译的对比分析 4.中国诗词的英译 5.旅游英语 6.《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻问题 7.女权运动及其对英语语言发展的影响 8.Cultural Factors in E-C Translation Try to find a proper topic for your research. 2.2 Exploring Data 1. Reference books. encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries, sources for current events, book indexes, periodical indexes, computer databases, internet sources 2. Evaluating the Sources. Ask about the Subject: Is the subject directly related to my research question? Does it provide helpful context or background information? Ask about
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