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CCE 3-1 Your College Years adolesce﹣adolescent ﹣ adolescence/ adolescency adolesce: vi 在成长过程中; 在成熟; 行为如青少年 (used chiefly in AmE) It is a young nation, still adolescing.这是一个仍在成长中的年轻国家。 adolescent n./v. The adolescent period is ones best time.青少年时期是一个人最美好的一段时光。 The audience were mostly adolescents.听众几乎都是年轻人。 adolescence = adolescency during/in ~ 在青春期 -hood forming nouns denoting a condition or quality表示“状态”,“特性” denoting a collection or group表示“集合”,“集体” childhood孩提时代,童年 babyhood infanthood boyhood Girlhood womanhood likelihood brotherhood a childhood friend 童年伙伴 Her second son didn’t survive childhood. 她的第二个儿子夭折了。 second childhood 老年的衰退时期, 年迈昏愦 affirm vs assert affirm肯定;断言,声明 vt. 表示“宣称”某情况为事实,语气肯定,有不容怀疑之义。常用于表示“证实”某一看法,或在别人提出疑问时加以“确认”。 He affirmed the countrys commitment to peace. 他声明该国对和平的承诺。 He affirmed his love for her. 他坚称他爱她。 Despite all the policeman’s questions, the lady continued to affirm that she was innocent. 不管警察所提出的那些问题,该妇人仍坚称她是无辜的。 vi. 表示在法庭上不经宣誓而保证提供真实证词。 The witness affirmed to the facts. 证人证明这些确是事实。 He said that the Bible meant nothing to him, and that he chose to affirm rather than to swear. 他说, 圣经对他来说毫无意义,并说他不愿宣誓但宁愿不进行宣誓而提供实情。 affirm vs assert assert 表示“断言者”坚信自己是正确的,坚持要别人接受或承认自己的主张或看法,语气相当强而肯定。 The accused asserted that he was innocent. 被告坚称他没有罪。 She asserted her ideas loudly and clearly. 她大声而明确地申明自己的看法。 常含有在缺乏证据的情况下“声称”之义,有时甚至表示,在事实证明“声称”者的看法是错误的时候,他还要坚持自己的看法。此时,assert含有贬义。 He had no real evidence—he simply asserted that what he said was true. 他没有确凿的证据——只是声称他说的是实话。 You assert that you were not here, but ten people saw you. 你硬说自己并不在场,可有十个人看到你在场。 Baptist ★ Biblical authority 认识和肯定《圣经》的权威 ★ Autonomy of the local church 自主的地方教会 ★ Priesthood of the believer 信徒皆祭司(信徒都是人人平等的) ★ Two ordinances - Believers Baptism and Symbolic Communion 两种教会礼仪-信徒的浸礼与纪念性质的主餐 ★ Individual soul liberty 人有上帝所赐的自由意志来选择他的信仰,但人也要对自己自由意 志的行使负责任 ★ Separation of Church and State 政教分离 ★ Two offices of the church - Pastor and Dea


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