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英语系论文参考题目(二)(一) 1.?《老人与海》中对英雄主义的追求 ?The Pursuit of Heroism in The Old Man and the Sea 2.?爱玛对哈丽特的影响所折射的奥斯汀观点 ?Austens Outlook Reflected from Emmas Influence on Harriets Love--Analyze Harriets Perfect Happiness to Perfect Misery 3.?中国传统手工业的保护与发展——蜀绣的过去、现在与将来 ?How to Protect and Develop Our Tranditional Handicraft Industry—the History, Actuality, Future of Shu Embroidery 4.?中美爱情题材影视作品分析 ?An Analysis on American and Chinese Movies Focused on Love 5.?《圣经》对约翰·斯坦贝克《愤怒的葡萄》的影响 ?The Influences of Bible on John Steinbecks the Grapes of Wrath 6.?《还乡》中主要人物的悲剧分析及比较 ?Major Characters Tragic Life in Return to Native, the Analysis and Comparison 7.?英汉习语在翻译中的文化差异 ?Cultural differences of English Chinese Idioms on Translation 8.?语码转换在英语作为第二语言课堂中的运用 ?Classroom Code-switching of the English Teachers as Chinese Speakers 9.?爱与命运——《荆棘鸟》的主旨 ?Love and Fate---the Main Idea of the Thorn Birds 10.?电影《乱世佳人》长期受青睐的原因 ?Gone with the Wind — Why the Movie Has Lasting Popularity 11.?马克·吐温——一位伟大的幽默家 ?Mark Twain --- A Humorist 12.?广告英语的修辞特点 ?Rhetorical Features in Advertising English 13.?走出英语口语教与学的误区 ?Misconceptions of English Teaching and Learning in China 14.?灵魂深处的暗涌——评《呼啸山庄》主题 ?Tempest in the Soul---the Main Theme of Wuthering Heights 15.?论《红字》中的自然人与社会人间的冲突????? ?Conflicts between Natural Man and Social Man in The Scarlet Letter 16.?美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献 ?The Role Played by the American Blacks in the History of America 17.? 英语交际教学法在中学英语教学中的应用 ??The Application of Communication Teaching Method In Middle School English Teaching 18.? 浅析英语成语典故??? ?The Story behind the English Idiom??? 19.?浅谈同声传译? ?A Brief Study of Simultaneous Interpretation 20.?香格里拉——人与自然的和谐 ?Shangri-La---The Harmony between People and Nature 21.?道德观——浅析《红字》中三个主要人物, ??My View on Morality----An Analysis of the Three Major Characters in Scarlet Letter 22.?英语在线教育 ?English Online Education 23.?电影《阿甘正传》折射出的一段重要美国历史 ?An Eventful Period of American History Reflected by the Film Forrest Gump 24.?凯恩斯主义对大萧条时期美国经济政策的影响 ??The Influence of Keynesian E


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