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Abstract;;Descriptive Abstract Only basic content of the paper, not enough detail information Informative Abstract A condensed report of the paper. Key points and most important detail information of the paper. Descriptive + Informative Abstract Most abstracts are both descriptive and informative.;Descriptive Abstract Pros: Short, Concise, Easy to write Cons: Less information Informative Abstract Pros: More information Cons: Long, Difficult to write Descriptive + Informative Abstract Notice the balance between concision and details.;;1.Background 2.Problem 3.Objective 4.Method 5.Finding or Results 6.Conclusion or Inference (Evaluation) 7.Recommendation 8.Paper structure;1.Background: Not necessary, especially in short abstract. Present tense in most case. Present perfect tense for research trend. E.g. …has been the universal choice to analyze …;2.Problem: General problem Specific problem Present tense in most case. ;3.Objective: Purpose, aim, objective (1) Paper oriented ( present tense ) When analyze some problem, propose new demonstration, method or technology. E.g. The paper presents/proposes a … The purpose of the paper is … In this paper, we provide/discuss/focus on … words: paper, report, thesis, dissertation;(2) Research oriented ( past tense ) When propose results of experiments or investigations. E.g. The objective of this research/experiment was to … The aim of this study was … In this study, … was studied/examined/investigated to… Words: study, research, investigation, experiment… ;4.Method Past tense for experiment procedure or method. Present tense for mathematic model, algorithm or analysis method/technology. ;Problem + Objective in a long sentences Main clause for problem, phrases for objective. E.g. … (problems) must be solved to get (objective)… Main clause for objective, phrases for problems. E.g. The paper presents/proposes a … (objective) to solve (problems)… … (objective) was studied to solve (problems)… Verb tense fits in with the above rules


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