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3;Iron and the Effects of Exercise;Pre-reading Activities;Watch Discuss;Matching Game;Background Knowledge;1.moderate 2. supplement 3. consume 4. ratio 5. undo 6. derive 7. remedy; moderate;extremists, hold…views;supplement;poach animals diet or income ecological balance;consume;ratio ;undo;derive; I overcooked the rice, so I asked my mom for help: “Mom, can you the rice?”;Doctor: pills, a lot of water, a good night’s sleep, bounce back, a couple of days;in general;up to;tip sb. over the edge;Passenger: bus sick, feel like, throw up. ; go up;Dad: turn down, interfere with, reading;在会议结束时进行总结是主席的职责。;;Overall structure;BACK;BACK;BACK;BACK;BACK;What kind of people will likely have iron deficiency?;e;Women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss. (Line 5);What kind of people will likely have iron deficiency?; average women; average women; average people;;;;What are the three stages of iron decency?;Traditional methods (checking levels of the blood protein) are not sufficient. (Line 44) It‘s important to check levels of a different compound, which suggests the amount of 储量 of iron in the blood. (Line 45) Its advisable for people to have a yearly blood test. (Line 50);Talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplements. (Line 44);Iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases. (Line 54);modifying your diet;Post-reading Activities;Summary;耐力运动员 缺铁 适度的锻炼 纠正一个错误 出现…的迹象 增加肉食 服用补铁剂 恢复健康 育龄妇女 解决问题 ;每日推荐量 消化道出血 高强度剧烈运动 血管 长跑运动员 改善饮食结构 绿叶蔬菜 增强铁的吸收 增加30倍 治疗缺铁;信息工程大学;Writing;;;;;Olympic Games Terms;Olympic Games ;Olympic Games ;Olympic Games ;Olympic Games ;Olympic Games ;Olympic Games


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