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英语与:Unit 2《King Lear》Reading课件
Unit 2 KING LEAR;Reading;取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之一——《李尔王》。该剧首演于1606年。统治英国的李尔王想把国土分给三个女儿。他试探三个女儿的孝心,大女和次女极尽阿谀之辞骗得了李尔王的信任,各得到二分之一的国土。;而幼女却因直言不讳而惹怒父亲,一无所有,幸被法兰西国王娶为王后。李尔退位后遭到两个女儿的冷眼和遗弃,她们甚至密谋要除掉他。幸亏忠臣相救,李尔才幸免于难。后来小女儿挂帅领兵为父复国。这时,另两个女儿之间已出现矛盾,她们尔虞我诈;要除去对方,但面对法军,她们又联合起来。此战英军获胜,囚禁了李尔与其小女儿,但却招来朝野上下一致不满。李尔的小女儿被害死,他的另两个女儿也没有得到好下场。李尔抱住小女儿尸体痛哭,自己也伤心而死。“阅读”部分节取的是该剧的第一幕,其中李尔王与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品中最为经典的篇章之一。;1.What had Lear expected to happen in his old age?
2.Why has Lear called for the King of
France and the Duke of Burgundy?;摩托车驾照考试 /mtc/ 2016年摩托车科目一考试 科目四考试教练员从业资格考试 /jly/ 教练员从业资格证理论考试客运从业资格证考试 /keyun/ 道路旅客运输从业资格证考试货运从业资格证考试 /huoyun/ 道路货物运输从业资格证;3.What has Lear decided to do with his kingdom?
4.What is he going to do when he retires ?
5.Why does Lear become angry with Kent?
6.How does he punish Kent?; 1 Why does King Lear want to give away his kingdom? ;2 How is he going to decide who to give the best part of his kingdom to?;Cordelia.;The Duke of Burgundy and the King of France.;Kent tries to defend Cordelia but Lear sends him away from the kingdom (He banishes him).;;
Setting ;A plot diagram;
Climax ;;2. He wants to know ____ ________ they love him.;4. Cordelia makes the king angry by being _________ and not _________ him. She gets ________.;Characters;Cordelia
;Learning about language;2.He _____ _____ at the meeting to tell them he did not like their decision.
3.She _____ ___ her sisters children as well as her own.
4.Dont say no until you have _____ me_____.;5.They wont _____ ____ the keys until we pay the rent.
6.He _____ _____ all his money and went to live alone on an island.;1.I am always _____________ in the morning until Ive had my coffee.
2.He wont help you, hes too
____________.;3.The _____-_______ boy ran into the road and pushed the child out of the way of a speeding car.
4.The_____-_____ son was the tallest of the brothers.
5.Youre so ___-______, you never stop to think before you act.;More compound adjectives to learn: ;well-done; well-behaved; well-bred;
well-chosen; well