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?04Hello 哈罗Hello,hello.哈罗,哈罗.Hello, how are you?哈罗,你好吗?Im fine,Im fine.我很好,我很好.I hope that you are,too. 我希望你也很好.05We Wish You a Merry Christmas 祝你圣诞快乐We wish you a Merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐,We wish you a Merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐,We wish you a Merry Christmas,and a happy new year!祝你圣诞和新年快乐!Good tidings to you,都会给你喜讯wherever you are.无论你在哪里.Good tidings for Christmas,and a happy new year!带给你圣诞和新年的喜讯.We wish you a Merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐,We wish you a Merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐,We wish you a Merry Christmas,and a happy new year!祝你圣诞和新年快乐!06Hey Diddle Diddle摇啊摇Hey diddle,diddle,摇啊摇,摇啊摇,The cat and the fiddle,小提琴和小猫,The cow jumped over the moon,母牛跳过了月亮;The little dog laughed小狗见了哈哈笑,to see such sport,做做运动真美妙,And the dish ran away with the spoon.汤勺跟着盘子跑.07Mozarts Lullaby 摇篮曲Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝.so peaceful the birds and the sheep.小鸟和羊群多么安静,Quiet are meadow and trees,牧场和树林静悄悄,even the buzz of the bees.蜜蜂也不再嗡嗡叫.The silvery moon beams so bright.银色的月光多么皎洁,Down through the window give light.通过窗子送来光亮.Oer you the moon beams will creep.噢,月光将会慢慢移动.Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝.Good night,good night.晚安,晚安.08Six little Ducks 六只小鸭子Six little ducks that I once knew,从前我认识六只小鸭子,Fat ones,skinny ones,fair ones?? too,有的胖,有的瘦,有的不胖也不瘦.But the one little duck有一只小鸭子with the feather on his back,背上长着一根羽毛,He led the others with a 他带领其他小鸭子,quack,quack,quack!呷呷,呷呷,呷呷!Quack,quack,quack,quack,quack,quack!呷呷,呷呷,呷呷!He led the others with a 他带领其他小鸭子,quack,quack,quack!呷呷,呷呷,呷呷!09Color 颜色Red,yellow,blue and green stand up,红,黄,蓝,绿站起来.Red,yellow,blue and green turn around.红,黄,蓝,绿转个圈.And stretch up high above your heads,oh,把手伸过头顶,噢,Red,yellow,blue and green sit down.红,黄,蓝,绿都坐下来.10Sunday,Monday,Tuesday 星期天,星期一,星期二Sunday,Monday,Tuesday 星期天,星期一,星期二Wednesday,Thurday,星期三,星期四,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,星期四,星期五,星期六,Sunday,comes again.星期天,一周有开始循环.11Mary Had a Little Lamb 玛丽有只小羊羔Mary had a little lamb,玛丽有只小羊羔,Little lamb,little lamb,小羊羔,小羊羔,Mary had a little lamb,玛丽有只小羊羔,Its fleece was white as snow.



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