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弘扬中华传统文化诗词 导语:中华诗词源远流长,是我国的文化精髓,接下来为大家介绍弘扬中华传统文化诗词文章,仅供参考! 弘扬中华传统文化诗词 街头的海报上说,今年秋天 你将举行书艺展览 把你五十年苦苦经营的心血 一幅幅挂在 这座古老的城市面前 此刻, 我就站在你的面前 静观你五十年的修炼 从北魏到商周 从北海到板桥 饮回雁峰大曲似的 你饮着浓墨. 浓墨.浓墨. 十八缸的浓墨当可以浮起一尊古鼎 管他黄河西来还是大江东去 你说 那一日 你端坐于一口窄窄的毛公鼎中 摇着鲜于璜的折扇 做着庄子的逍遥游 游青城山 游古长城 游龙门石窟 更在风中在雨中游娥眉 游不尽 仍是故乡的山和水 龟虽寿 仍游在案头端砚里 只白了少年头壮了烈士心 七十年的云烟飘过去 你依然清瘦 似修竹 更如一枝精致的狼毫啊 一头插进墨海 一头直指苍天。 弘扬中华传统文化诗词 请告诉我谁是中国人, 启示我,如何把记忆抱紧; 请告诉我这民族的伟大, 轻轻的告诉我,不要喧哗! 请告诉我谁是中国人, 谁的心里有尧舜的心, 谁的血是荆轲聂政的血, 谁是神农黄帝的遗孽。 告诉我那智慧来得神奇, 说是河马献来的馈礼; 还告诉我这歌声的节奏, 原是九苞凤凰的传授。 请告诉我戈壁的沉默, 和五岳的庄严?又告诉我 泰山的石还滴着忍耐, 大江黄河又流着和谐? 再告诉我,那一滴清泪 是孔子吊唁死麟的伤悲? 那狂笑也得告诉我才好, daily morning exercises or class-break setting-up exercise and discipline inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the national flag speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday;2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week two exercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance situation published cloth appraisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, combined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form three good student, outstanding student cadres, civilized student.2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear


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