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* 各种抗高血压药物对代谢的影响 ?-阻滞剂 利尿剂 ?-阻滞剂 ACEI CCB ARB 空腹胰岛素 ? ? 0 0 0 0 空腹血糖 (?) ? ? (?) 0 0 胰岛素敏感性 ? ? ? ? 0 0 总胆固醇 0( ?) ? ? 0 0 0 HDL ? 0 ? 0 0 0 LDL ? ? ? 0 0 0 TG ? ? ? 0 0 0 ?=升高,?=降低,0=无作用或无临床显著性。 * 防治目标:强化5个数字达标 1. 0 吸烟 2. 血压控制在140/90mmHg 老年人( 150>120/ 90mm > 70mmHg ) 3. 总胆固醇5mmol/L 4. 空腹血糖6mmol/L 5. 腰围:男性90cm 女性80cm 防治从健康人做起!! * 高血压日主题 2007年 健康饮食 健康血压 2008年 家庭自测血压 2009年 盐与高血压 2010年 健康体重 健康血压 2011年世界高血压日(5月17日) 主题:“知晓您的血压和控制目标” 2011年3月10世界肾脏病日 主题:“保护肾脏 拯救心脏” * 管住您的嘴! 戒烟又限酒! 放开您的腿! 膳食要健康! 心理要平和! 用药要合理! 健康常在!!笑口常开!! * * According to the WHO, the world is in the midst of a diabetes epidemic.1 Their conclusion is based on a review of the growth of diabetes prevalence over the past two decades and projected growth into the future. In 1985, an estimated 30 million people worldwide were affected with diabetes. This number increased to 135 million by 1995 and to 177 million by 2000. The WHO projects that the prevalence of diabetes is likely to increase to 370 million by 2030.1 Much of this increase is occurring in developing countries and can be attributed to factors such as population growth, aging of country populations, unhealthy diets, obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and the growing incidence of type 2 diabetes in adolescents and children. The WHO highlights an important difference between the increasing prevalence of diabetes in developed versus developing nations in the future. The WHO projects that by 2030, most patients with diabetes in developed nations will be 65 years of age or older. In contrast, the majority of patients with diabetes in developing n



