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大 连 民 族 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 京沈高速公路辽宁省鞍山(C段)标段 学 院(系): 土木建筑工程学院 专 业: 土木工程 学 生 姓 名: 敖迅唯 学 号: 2009111401 指 导 教 师: 彭永恒 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2013.5.30 大连民族学院 摘 要 本设计为京沈高速公路辽宁省鞍山(C段)标段,所经地区全平原区。主要进行公路线形、路基和路面设计。其中,线形设计包括选线、方案比选、平面设计和纵断面设计;路基设计包括横断面设计、路基边坡设计等;路面设计包括沥青路面和水泥混凝土路面结构层设计、路面结构层厚度设计和路面结构层验算。通过对当地交通量、地形、气候、水文、地质等状况的深入调查, 确定了道路的等级以及道路设计的各个技术指标,为公路路线方案的比选准备了原始材料,确定了线路的平面位置。并且本设计对方案进一步细化,对路线的平面和纵断面进行了综合分析,根据技术标准及当地实际情况确定了路基宽度、高度及边坡坡度并且对路面材料、横断面布置、曲线超高及加宽的设置做了精心设计。 关键词: 京沈高速公路;公路线形设计;路基设计;路面结构设计;排水设计 Abstract This graduation design is the (C) segment of The highway class road which starts from Beijing to Shenyang.This second class road goes through mountain region.and mainly carrys on the road alignment, roadbed and pavement design. Then,alignment design includes to choose the line, project to compare to choose, the flat surface design and vertical section design.The roadbed design includes the cross section design and the roadbed side slope design etc; The pavement design includes pavement structure layer design, pavenent structure layer thickness design and pavement structure layer to check to calculate. According to investigating the further state of the volume of traffic, local topography ,climate, hydrology ,geology,etc,then confirms the class of highway and technical standard,selecting to prepare the firsthand material of scheme of the highway, and fixing the level of the circuit. Furtherly i design the details and have analysis of the circuit and vertical section.Accord to the technical standard and local actual conditions confirme the width of road bed, cutbank, material, cross section assign, curve superelevation and establishment that widen design meticulously to road surface highly. Keywords:  alignment ; easement curve ; vertical curve ; road b


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