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14岁荷兰少女挑战最年轻环球独航者记录   Judges have given the green light for a 14-year-old Dutch girl to sail solo around.   14岁的荷兰少女终于获准可以独自航行环游世界了。   A court in Holland rejected a call by social services to extend Laura Dekker’s supervision order because of fears for her ‘social and emotional wellbeing.   荷兰一家法庭日前拒绝了社会服务机构以顾虑其“社交心理健康为由”继续监管德克尔的请求。   Laura, who has the backing of her parents, needs to complete a solo round-the-world trip before she turns 17 in September 2012 to set a world record.   在父母的支持下,劳拉只有在2012年9月,也就是十七岁生日之前完成单人环球之旅,才能创造新的世界纪录。   “If everything works out the way I want, I can leave for Portugal sometime in the next two weeks, Laura wrote in her blog.   劳拉在博客中写道:“如果一切如我所愿,两周后的某一时刻我将启程前往葡萄牙。”   Laura and her supporters have carefully plotted a nearly two-year route from port to port around the world, including an alternative path around Africa to avoid the pirate-infested Gulf of Aden.   劳拉和她的支持者们已仔细制定出此次为期近两年的环球航行线路图,其中包括一条环绕非洲的备用线路,以便避开海盗出没的亚丁湾。   Laura was born on a yacht in New Zealand waters while her parents were sailing around the world and holds New Zealand and Dutch passports.   劳拉降生时,她的父母正在驾船环游世界;她出生在一艘停靠于新西兰海域的游艇上,因此她同时持有新西兰和荷兰的护照。   While her father has always backed Miss Dekkers plan, her mother initially opposed it before giving her daughter her assent earlier this year.   对于劳拉的计划,父亲总是举双手赞成;而起初持反对意见的母亲也于今年早些时候改变了态度。   Laura could now become the youngest person to sail solo around the world, beating the mark now held by Australian 16-year-old Jessica Watson.   劳拉很有可能打破由来自澳洲16岁的杰西卡?沃森创下的记录,成为最年轻的单人环球航行水手。   She spent 210 days sailing her yacht, Ellas Pink Lady, around the world.   杰西卡曾驾驶着自己的“Ellas Pink Lady”号游艇环游世界,一共花费了210天的时间。 资料来源:


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