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By this time next year, we may have become disillusioned with the internet of things. The idea that every object — from toasters to street lights — could be connected to the internet and be communicating with us has been hyped for several years. 等到明年这个时候,我们或许就会对物联网彻底幻灭。一切物品——从烤面包机到路灯——都可以连接到互联网与我们沟通的概念已经炒作了数年。It reached a peak this month at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where more than 900 companies exhibited connected products. Samsung, makers of products from fridges to phones, said that within five years all of its appliances would be able to connect to the internet. 今年1月在拉斯维加斯举行的国际消费类电子产品展(CES)上,物联网的概念更是被渲染到极致,900多家公司展示了联网产品。制造商三星(Samsung)表示5年内旗下所有电器都将能联网,其产品涵盖了从电冰箱到手机等多种类别。The predictions for the number of objects that will be connected are big — from technology research company Gartner’s forecast of 25bn connected physical objects by 2020 to tech company Cisco’s more bullish 50bn forecast. 据预测可联网物品的数量将非常庞大,技术研究公司高德纳(Gartner)预测至2020年将有250亿种联网物品,高科技公司思科(Cisco)更加乐观,给出了500亿的预测值。Cue the ennui. Just as the internet hype of 2000 led to disillusionment, the internet of things will struggle to live up to expectations in the short term. 这开始令人觉得有点厌烦了。正如2000年对互联网的炒作导致了幻灭,物联网也难在短期内达到人们的期望。Companies, certainly, remain unconvinced by the business case. A survey by Gartner of 1,500 chief information officers last August found that only 22 per cent had deployed or were experimenting with the internet of things. 当然,企业对物联网的商业应用前景仍表怀疑。去年8月高德纳对1500名首席信息官进行调查后发现,仅22%的人表示所在企业已经涉足或正在尝试涉足物联网。The remaining 78 per cent either thought it irrelevant or at the too-early stage. 其余78%的人或认为物联网并不重要,或认为它还处于过早阶段。One problem is that the technology is still a little expensive, says Maurizio Pilu, partnerships director at Digital Catapult, a UK government organisation that helps support new projects. Digital Catapult主管合作事宜的毛里齐奥?皮卢(Maurizio Pilu)表示,问题之一在于物联网技术还是有点贵。Digital Catapult是一家为新项目提供支持的英国政府机构。The price of a simple wireless sensor will soon be as low as £1, a price


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