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;;机载应急医疗设备使用范围 ; 机载应急医疗设备的管理(相关条款) ;南航机载应急医疗设备的管理流程;一、机载应急医疗箱;项 目;应急医疗箱药物使用说明书;酸肾上腺素 用于心脏骤停的抢救和过敏性休克的抢救, 也可用于其他过敏性疾病(如支气管哮喘、荨麻疹)的治疗。 用法:皮下或肌内注射。 成人:0.5~1.0mg/次,儿童:每次0.02~0.03mg/kg,必要时1~2小时后重复。 静脉或心内注射:0.5~1.0mg/次,以生理盐水稀释10倍后注射。;Item;EMERGENCY KIT ASPRIN TABLET: Used to the light, the moderate ache and gives off heat the antirheumatic. Has the digestive tract hemorrhage, the hemophilia or the blood platelet reduction sickness and the aspirin allergy is forbid. Usage: PO if needed, 1-2 tablets a dose, once daily to QID. NITROGLYCERIN TABLET: Used to treat and prevent coronary heart disease and angina attacks. May also be used to reduce blood pressure or congestive heart failure. Prohibited for glaucoma. Usage: The sublingual tablet (0.25-0.5mg) should be placed under the tongue and allow it to dissolve. A second dose 5 minutes later can be taken if needed. If chest pain persists after taking 3 doses, seek emergency medical attention. Preventive usage 5~10 minutes before activity or defecation may avoid inducing angina attack. ;ADRENALINE HYDROCHLORIDE INJECTION: Used to relieve cardiac arrest and anaphylactic reactions. May also be used to treat other allergic diseases, e.g., bronchial asthma and hives. Usage: SC or IM: Adults: 0.5~1.0mg a dose. Children:0.02~0.03mg/kg a dose. May be repeated 1~2 hours later if needed. IV or intracardiac: 0.5~1.0mg a dose in 1:10 solution with sodium chloride. DIPHENHYDRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE INJECTION: Used to relieve the symptoms of allergies and motion sickness. Usage: IM: 20mg a dose, once daily to BID. 50% GLUCOSE INJECTION: Used to relieve hypoglycemia, decrease intracrania pressure and restore intra-ocular pressure. Usage: Directed by doctor. LARYNGOSCOPE: Used in first aid to maintain respiratory tracts open. ALCOHOL PREP PAD: Externally used for topical antisepsis.;1.口咽气道(口咽通气道(管)),系指在急救和心肺复苏中,限制舌后坠,维持气道开放,保持伤患者气道畅通而使用的医疗用品。其规格系大小在40mm至120mm间的不同规格,可根据实际情况自行确定其??的三种规格; 2.注射器和针头:应配备一次性使用注射器(含针头)。配备规格为2ml注射器2


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