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基于I2C单片机EEPROM设计   摘要: 在科学技术飞速发展的今天,单片机技术不断进步并且得到了广泛应用。单片机在一定程度上实现了自动化、智能化,满足了人们的各种需要。单片机的引脚和越来越多的器件的限制使我们不得不采用I2C等总线来进行扩展操作,它可以大大简化设计、减小系统的体积并提高系统可靠性。而且,系统的更改和扩充也变得很容易。因为单片机需要强大的功能和较大的数据存储空间,我们需要用到外部存储器EEPROM等。本文以I2C与EEPROM的连接和数据存储、交换为主要内容,利用AT89C51单片机和LED数码管等元件和Proteus软件、Keil软件来开发,借助C语言程序实现了本设计的全部功能,包括数码显示、数据传输、读写功能等。本设计实现了简单的单片机实现不了的大容量数据传输,解决了掉电后存储数据丢失的问题,而且避免了控制多个对象时I/O口不够用的现象 Abstract: With the development of science and technology, single-chip technology in the continuous progress has been widely used, in particular, is widely applied in the field of mechanical and electrical products. To a certain extent, the microcontroller is automated and intelligent, and meet people’s daily needs. MCU pin and a growing number of device limitations make us have to use the I2C bus to extend operation, it can greatly simplify the design, reduce system size and improve system reliability. Moreover, the single-chip system changes and expansion has become easier. The microcontroller requires strong functions and data storage requirements so that we need external memory EEPROM. This article describes the I2C and EEPROM connection and data storage, data exchange. It uses AT89C51 microcontroller and LED digital tube and Proteus Software Keil software, C language to realize the full functionality of the design, including the key treatment, liquid crystal display, the data transfer, the data read and write functions. The design solves the problem of large-capacity data transmission, to solve the problem after power loss of stored data, and also solves the problem of I/O port is not enough to control multiple objects. 关键词: I2C总线;EEPROM;数据读写功能;单片机 Key words: I2C bus;EEPROM;Data read and write capabilities;MCU 中?D分类号:TN201 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2017)10-0225-03 0 引言 如今单片机的应用领域越来越广泛。但实际应用中经常会遇到单片机I/O接口资源不够用的情形,在一些复杂应用系统中,被控对象较多(如控制多个LED数码管的显示、超过30路状态的显示)时,端口供需矛盾就会十分突出,一般可以采用外接8155、8255、8259、74HC164及74LS245等外扩I/O接口来解决[1],但这样会使系统更加复杂,增加成本,可靠性下降[2]。鉴于此,在单片机设计应用时就需要使用总线进行扩



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