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基于GIS城市智慧排水管控平台建设及关键技术   摘要:为了提高城市排水设施的数字化、信息化管理和社会服务水平、保障设施的安全稳定运行,提出基于 GIS 的城市智慧排水管控平台的建设, 采用积木式结构,组件化设计,整体构架要考虑系统间的无缝连接,为今后系统扩展和集成及愿景目标的实现留有扩充余量,确保系统有一定的先进性、扩充性、容错性、稳健性。该系统综合运用计算机技术、网络技术、GIS技术、GPS技术、移动技术及传感通信等技术,通过网格化、精细化管理手段。实现对城市排水防涝设施的动态管理、城市内涝事件的预警预报、排水设施运行状态的实时监测控制。最终可以达到 “动态管理、预警预报、智慧管网”的总体目标,从而提高排水防涝管理的效率、质量和水平,最终达到排水设施的智慧化管理的目的 关键词: 地理信息系统(GIS);排水设施;信息化平台;智能化 中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2016)36-0237-04 Construction and Key Technology of Management and Control Platform for Urban Intelligent Drainage Based on GIS CHEN Yong-feng1,GAO Zhao-liang1,HUANG Lei1,WENG Jun1,WANG Wei2 (1.Fuzhou City Survey Institute, Fuzhou 350014, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying,Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079, China) Abstract:In order to improve the digitalization, information management and social service level of the urban drainage facilities, ensure the safe and stable operation of the facilities, the construction and key technologies of management and control platform for urban intelligent drainage based on GIS was adopted. Considering the seamless connection between the systems, the system expansion and integration for the future and vision to achieve the goal of leaving margin,the system have a certain degree of advanced, scalability, fault tolerance, robustness. The system integrates computer technology, network technology, GIS , GPS, mobile technology and sensor communication technology by the grid and refined management tools. It were achieved on urban drainage of storm water drainage facilities dynamic management, urban waterlogging forecasting real-time running state monitoring and control of drainage facilities. It could eventually achieve “dynamic management, early warning and forecasting, wisdom network” , so as to improve the efficiency, level of drainage and waterlogging management, and finally achieve the intelligent management of drainage facilities. Key words:GIS;



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