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中国传媒大学 — MBA学院 中国传媒大学是教育部直属的国家“211工程”重点建设大学,学校秉承“立德、敬业、博学、竞先”的校训,坚持“结构合理、层次分明,重点突出、特色鲜明,优势互补、相互支撑”的学科建设思路,充分发挥传媒领域学科特色和综合优势,形成了以新闻传播学、艺术学、信息与通信工程为龙头,管理学、经济学、文学、工学、艺术学、法学、理学等多学科协调发展,相互交叉渗透的学科体系。目前,学校设有19个学院、4个研究院,4个博士后科研流动站,25个博士点,89个硕士点,6个专业硕士类别,82个本科专业。现有全日制本、硕、博在校生近15000人,继续教育在读生近15000人。 学校师资力量雄厚,并拥有一批国内外享有声誉的教授、学者,同时还聘请了一批著名专家学者担任特聘教授、客座教授或兼职教授。学校与200多所国外知名大学、科研与传媒机构建立了交流合作关系。2009年学校发起成立了“传媒高等教育国际联盟”,21个国家和地区的49所知名传媒高校加入“联盟”。 MBA学院为学校二级学院,依托全校资源、借力社会资源,着力培养国家和社会急需的懂文化传媒、善经营管理的高级复合型人才。 Graduate School Of Management — Communication University Of China Communication University of China (CUC) is one of the “project 211” key universities under the direct supervision of the State Ministry of Education. The motto of the CUC is “Integrity, Professionalism, Erudition and Competence”. CUC sticks to its own line of thinking in discipline construction to arrange each course into a scientific structure, focusing on unique features and wide connections with other courses. As a result, a cross-disciplinary system is formed which covers journalism and communication, radio, film television arts, information science and technology, management, economics, literature, engineering, law, and natural science. So far, CUC has 19 colleges, 4 research institutes and 4 post-doctoral study centers, and offers 25 doctoral programs, 89 master programs, 6 professional master categories, and 82 bachelor programs. Presently, there are approximately 15,000 full-time students in CUC, and nearly 15,000 students in continuing education program. CUC has a strong faculty team, some of whom are international renowned guru in their fields. In addition, CUC has employed a number of well-known experts and scholars as visiting professors. CUC has established exchange programs and relationships with more than 200 leading foreign universities, scientific research organizations and media. In 2009, CUC founded an “International Alliance of Communication Higher Educati


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