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中国古诗词英译 第一部分 由许渊冲翻译 关雎 关关雎鸠, 在河之洲. 窈窕淑女, 君子好逑. 参差荇菜, 左右流之. 窈窕淑女, 妩媚求之. 求之不得, 妩媚思服. 优哉游哉, 辗转反侧. 参差荇菜, 左右采之. 窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之. 参差荇菜, 左右毛之. 窈窕淑女, 钟鼓乐之. Cooing And Wooing Translated by Xu Yuanchong By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves; A good young man is wooing A fair maiden he loves. Water flows left and right Of cress long here, short there; The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair. His yearning grows so strong, He can not fall asleep, But tosses all night long, So deep in love, so deep! Now gather left and right Cress long or short and tender! O lute, play music bright For the bride sweet and slender! Feast friends at left and right On cress cooked till tender! O bells and drums, delight The bride so sweet and slender! 大风歌 刘邦 大风起兮云飞扬, 威加海内兮归故乡。 安得猛士兮守四方! SONG OF THE GREAT WIND Translated by Xu Yuanchong A great wind rises, oh! The clouds are driven away. I come to my native land, oh! Now the world is under my sway. Where can I brave men, oh! To guard my four frontiers today! 垓下歌 项羽 力拔山兮气盖世, 时不力兮驹不逝。 驹不逝兮可奈何, 虞兮虞兮耐若何! XIANG YU’S LAST SONG Translated by Xu Yuanchong I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might, But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight. Whether my steed will fight, oh! I do not care. What can I do with you, oh! My lady fair! 龟虽寿 曹操 神龟虽寿, 尤有竟时。 腾蛇乘雾, 终为土灰。 老骥伏枥, 志在千里。 烈士暮年, 壮心不已。 盈缩之期, 不但在天; 养怡之福, 可得永年。 幸甚至哉, 歌以咏志。 INDOMITABLE SOUL Translated by Xu Yuanchong Although long lives the tortoise wise, In the end he can not but die. The serpent in the mist may rise, But in the dust he too shall die. Although the stabled steed is old, He dreams to run for mile and mile. In life’s December heroes bold Won’t change indomitable style. It’s not up to Heaven alone To lengthen or shorten our day. To a great age we can live on, If we keep it fit, cheerful and gay. How happy I feel at this thought! I croon this poem as I ought. 七步诗 曹植 煮豆燃豆萁, 豆在釜中泣。 本是同根生, 相煎何太急。 WRITTEN WHILE TAKING SEVEN PACES Translated by Xu Yuanchong Pods burne


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