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郑州轻工业学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 河南省城市物业管理发展现状与对策研究 学生姓名 申 振 专业班级 经济学(双学位) 2012 级 学 号 5 3 1 3 0 6 0 2 0 1 5 8 院 (系) 经 济 与 管 理 学 院 指导教师(职称) 宋 勇 超 讲师 完成时间 2 0 1 6 年 1月 6日 河南省城市物业管理发展现状与对策研究 摘 要 中国目前是世界上发展最快的国家,也是世界上人口最多的国家。随着国家的快速发展以及城市化进程的加速,在城市管理方面出现诸多问题。城市物业管理作为城市管理方法之一需要有所改善和发展,以适应城市化的快速推进以及和谐城市的建立。河南作为人口较多的省份之一,城市物业管理同样面临着诸多问题,亟待改善与发展,才能为城市经济发展保驾护航。本文通过对河南省城市物业管理进行分析发现诸多问题:物业公司实力水平参差不齐,服务质量上不去;专业的物业管理人才缺乏,限制了行业发展;业主对物业管理的认识不足等一系列问题。并进一步提出了对策来解决这些问题,以期能推动河南城市物业管理的发展,实现城市物业管理与城市发展的良性互动。 关键词 河南城市物业管理/发展现状/现状分析/对策研究 Henan province city property management development present situation and countermeasure research ABSTRACT China is the worlds fastest growing country currently, and the worlds most populous country.With the rapid development of the country and the urbanization process acceleration, it appears many problems in city management as one of the urban management method.City property management needs to improve and development, to adapt to the rapid advance of urbanization and the establishment of a harmonious city. Henan as one of the most populous provinces, whose city property management also faces many problems, is in urgent need of improvement and development, in order to promote the development of urban economy.In this article, analysis of henan province city property management finds many problems: the levels of property company strength is different, quality of service is weak; Professional property management talent lack, limiting the industry development; The owner lack awareness of property management and so on. And it further puts forward the countermeasures to solve these problems, in order to promote the development of henan city property management, accomplishing the positive interactive between the city and the property management of urban development. KE


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