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如果你不吸烟,切记要维护自己的健康权益,劝阻他人遵守无烟环境的法律;鼓励和帮助吸烟者戒烟;教育孩子不尝试吸烟。 做到不送烟、不敬烟、不劝烟、不以烟待客 谢 谢 太原市人民医院戒烟门诊电话:4169997 2015年5月 * Key Point Tobacco smoke exposure in women during pregnancy is associated with serious consequences for infants and children. Background Exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy is associated with serious consequences for infants and children. Environmental smoke is associated with a 4-fold increased risk of low-birth weight and an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).1,2 Annually in the United States during the 1990s, 9700–18,600 cases of low-birth weight infants were related to secondhand smoke.3 In addition, lung function may be impaired,2 and a possible association with cognitive and developmental syndromes may exist. 1,4 References 1. Fagerstr?m K. The epidemiology of smoking: health consequences and benefits of cessation. Drugs. 2002;62(Suppl 2):1–9. 2. Le Souef PN. Pediatric origins of adult lung diseases. 4. Tobacco related lung diseases begin in childhood. Thorax. 2000;55:1063–1067. 3. Mackay J, Eriksen M. The Tobacco Atlas. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2002. 4. Hellstrom-Lindahl E, Nordberg A. Smoking during pregnancy: a way to transfer the addiction to the next generation? Respiration. 2002;69:289–293. 1/Fagerstrom/p. 5/col 1/?3. 2.Le Souef/p. 2/?1-3. 3/Mackay/p 34. 4/Hellstrom/p289/abs 1/ Fagerstrom /p. 5/col 1/?3. 2.Le Souef/p. 2/?1-3. 3/Mackay/ p. 34. 1/ Fagerstrom /p. 5/col 1/?3. 2.Le Souef/p. 2/?1-3. 4/Hellstrom/p289/abs * 戒烟的益处 戒烟的益处 戒烟最重要的益处在于找回健康。戒烟的收益是逐渐体现出来的。 一般停止吸烟6小时后,心率会下降,血压也会轻微降低。 12小时后,尼古丁将被排出体外。 24小时后,一氧化碳将从肺部排出,使呼吸功能得到改善。此时也许会有咳嗽、咳痰,因为通过这样可以清除堵塞在气管和肺部的堵塞物。 。 戒烟2个月左右,手部和脚部的血液循环就会增加。 戒烟3个月,肺功能改善,咳嗽、鼻窦充血、呼吸急促等减少。 戒烟一年之后,患心脏病的危险会显著降低。 戒烟5年后,患脑卒中的危险恢复到正常不吸烟者水平。 戒烟10年后,癌前细胞被健康细胞代替,肺癌的发生率降至非吸烟者的水平。 戒烟15年后,患冠心病的危险与正常不吸烟


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