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And the worlds best zoo is … 全球最棒的动物园是… What makes a zoo or aquarium outstanding? 是什么让一个动物园或者水族馆变得与众不同? Exotic animals? 是珍奇的动物? Stellar recreations of natural habitats? 还是对动物的自然栖息地的完美重现? Plenty of sugary refreshments for the kids? 抑或是提供给孩子的大量糖果? The new Travelers Choice awards for Zoos and Aquariums around the world issued by travel website TripAdvisor is light on captive-collection specifics but high on opinion. 在必威体育精装版一次评选世界一流动物园和水族馆时,由旅游网站TripAdvisor主办并颁发的“旅行者选择”奖项更注重的是各方意见,而非其用以吸引游客的细节性举措。 Naming 275 zoos and aquariums in total, the awards call the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska, the worlds best. 该奖项共提名了275个动物园和水族馆,最终位于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈市的亨利多利动物园荣登榜首。 The San Diego Zoo in California comes in second place. 加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥动物园紧随其后,位居第二。 Monterey, Californias Monterey Bay Aquarium tops the list of world aquariums. 另外,在世界一流水族馆排行榜上,加利福尼亚州的蒙特利海湾水族馆位居第一。 The U.S. leads the tally of world lists of zoos and aquariums, with nine of the top 25 zoos (and) 10 of the top 25 world aquariums, said the U.S.-based website in a statement accompanying the announcement of the awards.The site says its awards are based on millions of reviews from its users. 这一美国网站在宣布奖项结果的同时提到:“美国占据了全球动物园和水族馆排行榜的大部分席位,其中,全球25个最棒的动物园中美国占了9个,水族馆中则占了10个。”它还指出,这次评选结果是基于网站用户的“上百万”条评论得出的。 Award winners were determined using an algorithm that took into account the quantity and quality of reviews for zoos and aquariums worldwide, gathered over a 12-month period, said the website. 网站还指出:“本次评选花费一年的时间收集全球各地有关动物园和水族馆的评论,并对其数量和质量使用某种运算法则进行统计,最终确定奖项的获得者。” Renamed and reorganized in the 1960s by the Omaha Zoological Society, the Henry Doorly Zoo has roots dating to the 1880s when, as Riverview Park, it contained about 120 animals, including two bison on loan from Buffalo Bill Cody. 亨利多利动物园的存在可追溯到19世纪80年代,当时它的名字是Review Park,且拥有大约120种动物,其中包括两头从“水牛比尔”科迪那儿借来的美洲野牛。后来到了20世纪60年代,奥马哈动物协会将其重新规划并更名为“亨利多利动物园”。 Today, the zoo has thousands of animals from around the globe, 130 acres of exhibits and gardens including seven acres of indoor


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