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信任与儿童发展 汇报内容: 信任是儿童社会性发展过程中的一项重要内容,是指儿童在人际交往过程中,一方对另一方的能力和道德的确定性而形成的一种相互依赖感及相应的行为表现。 儿童期是智力发展与知识学习的重要时期之一。对信息与信息源的评估与甄别,以及批判性接受信息的能力,对儿童知识的构建至关重要。 因此,我们从儿童对不同信息提供者的信任、儿童恐惧的非习得性、从依恋关系的角度看儿童信任,最后还探讨了儿童不信任的顺序从多方面探讨了儿童信任。 汇报顺序: 1、Evaluating and Approaching a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust in Informant Testimony 评价并靠近一个陌生的动物:儿童对提供信息者陈词的信任 (徐景) 2、Can Rachman’s indirect pathways be used to unlearn fear? A prospective paradigm to test whether children’s fears can be reduced using positive information and modelling a non-anxious response 拉赫曼间接途径可以克服恐惧么? 一个具有前瞻性的范式,通过积极消息和非焦虑性反应的建模是否可以降低儿童的恐惧感(杨波) 汇报顺序: 3、 Young Children’s Trust in Their Mother’s Claims: Longitudinal Links With Attachment Security in Infancy 儿童对于母亲言辞的信任:与在婴儿期的依恋安全型相关的纵向研究 (耿银凤) 4、The Development of Distrust 儿童不信任的发展(王丽) Evaluating and Approaching a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust in Informant Testimony Child Development( 2014) IF:4.235 评价并靠近一个陌生的动物:儿童对提供信息者陈词的信任 报告人:徐景 2015-6-9 摘要 This study examined 3- to 7-year-old children’s reliance on informant testimony to learn about a novel animal. Sixty participants were given positive or negative information about an Australian marsupial from an informant described as a maternal figure or a zookeeper. Children were asked which informant was correct and were invited to touch the animal, which was a stuffed toy hidden in a crate. Overall, younger children endorsed the zookeeper’s testimony about the animal, but touched the animal more readily when the maternal figure provided positive information. Older children endorsed the informant who provided positive information, but showed some sensitivity to zookeeper expertise. Age differences were obtained in the association between participant characteristics and informant selection and animal approach behavior. 摘要 本研究检验了3~7岁儿童在学习一种新奇的动物时对信息提供者陈词的信任。60名被试接受来自被描述为母亲形象和动物管理员的女性的对于澳大利亚一种袋鼠类动物的积极或消极的信息,问孩子哪个信息提供者是正确的,并邀请他们触摸藏在笼子里的动物(其实是个填充玩具)。总之,年龄更小的孩子支持动物管理员对于动物的描述,但当母亲形象的人提供了积极信息时,他们更乐意触摸动物,年龄更大的孩子支持提供了积极信息的人,但对动物管



