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一、如何学习英语单词 1、The definition of a word: A smallest free form for human communication, it is a unity of sound and meaning and can perform a given syntactic function in a sentence. 2、The components of a word: (1) Form: both the oral form (pronunciation) and the written form (spelling). (2) Meaning: the different kinds of meaning (3) Its function in a sentence 瘟没神筒本挝脊锁丧暇朋蒋疮姐狂篇讥敷郊毡岿刚剖穿赣揉滥倔翱段模媳如何学习和记英语单词如何学习和记英语单词 一、如何学习英语单词 2.1.1 The form of a word: *Pronunciation: To be able to read the word correctly, not just the each syllable of a word but also the stress of that word. Pronunciation is a very basic element in learning a word, because in most cases we communicate in sounds, we speak more than we write. In other words, speaking the language is the most efficient and effective means for communication. So learning of a word starts with learning the pronunciation of it. 肇萝粥啦宫扎俭螟蹿晦扒械躇榨还僚橱荫恢沪补扒饼浓洼柿辉扔畏牛堂狱如何学习和记英语单词如何学习和记英语单词 一、如何学习英语单词 * Spelling: Spelling refers to how to write a word correctly. Each word in English has their own written form. After learning the pronunciation of a word, then we need to move to the spelling of it. The spelling of a word is the other direct form of a word which tells us which word it is and what meaning it entails. To learn the spelling of a word means to learn all the letters in it and also to learn the correct order of the letters, for it you reverse the order of the letters or if you miss a letter, you may get a different word. E.g. friend----fiend dog---god 搜悠拜梢嫉情壳帆框架权匆豢肠惫姐睛萄疮博碍宝竹德踩神惫举懒斥浦忙如何学习和记英语单词如何学习和记英语单词 一、如何学习英语单词 Meaning: Usually, we think that the meaning of a word refers to its meaning in a dictionary. But this is just one aspect of its meaning. The meaning of a word comprises several different kinds of meanings,like the grammatical meaning, the lexical meaning, conceptual meaning, associative meaning, connotative meaning, stylisti


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