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 2004 年 6 月 系统工程理论与实践 第 6 期  文章编号:(2004) 中国上市公司各种主体治理机制的相关性和有效性实证研究 李豫湘, 甘 霖 (重庆大学经济与工商管理学院, 重庆 400044) 摘要:  探索了目前各种公司治理机制之间的相关性, 构建了反映股东治理、董事会治理、债权治理、经 营者激励之间关系的联立方程组, 运用二阶段最小二乘法进行了实证分析 结果表明, 股权制衡度与资 产负债率正相关, 国有股比例与独立董事比例与高管层持股比例与资产负债率、第一大股东持股比例与 高管层报酬均为负相关, 且这些相关性会影响单个治理机制的有效性 关键词:  治理机制; 相关性; 有效性; 上市公司 中图分类号:   276. 6        文献标识码:       F A Study on R elativity and Effectiveness of Governance M echan ism on Ch inese L isted Compan ies , L I Yu x iang GAN L in (Co llege of Econom y and Business A dm inistration , Chongqing U niversity, Chongqinq 400044, Ch ina) :   , Abstract W e research the relativities of varieties of co rpo rate governance m echanism s w e p resent the equations of shareho lder’s governance, board’s governance, the stim ulation of m anager and the bond , 2 . m arket then w e m ake an emp irical study by SL S T he evidence indicates that there is po sitive , co rrelation betw een asset debt ratio and ow nersh ip balance degree w h ile there are negative co rrelations betw een national ow nersh ip p ropo rtion and independent directo rs p ropo rtion , senio r adm inistrato rs’ , ow nersh ip p ropo rtion and asset debt ratio the first shareho lder’s ow nersh ip p ropo rtion and the pa


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