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2004 , 9(2) : 68~ 72
Jour nal o China Agr icultural University
张铁中 林宝龙 高锐
( , 100083)
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TP 274 100724333(2004) 022 00682 05 A
Obj ect extraction for the vision system of fruit picking robot
Zhang Tiezhong, Lin Baolong, Ga o Rui
College of Engineering , China Agricultural University, Be ijing 100083, China)
Ab stra ct The key te chnology o the vision sy stem o ruit picking robot is to extract ruit obje ct rom ima ges quickly and
exa ctly. The sub stanc e o object extra ction or the vision system o robot is image segmentation. Among lots o ruits
and ve getables, there are a considerable color di erenc e b etwe en their rip e ruits and their backgrounds, yet the ruits
o the same typ e are o a lmos t the same c olor. Then the distribution o color between the ripe ruits and the ba ck2
grounds is di erent in Color Sp ac e. Ba sed on the se e atures, an algorithm to extra ct ruits2 object rom images, which is
ba sed on the approach o color2 sp a ce re erence list, was put orward . A color sp ac e re erence list wa s built rom ruits
swatch images in the algorithm. The ruit object wa s extracted by using the list . Comp ared with other image segmenta2
tion arithmetic, this arithmetic ba se on color images, then the ba ckground will b e more cle an when
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