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The little Prince’s writing background: The Little Prince , published in 1943 , is a novella and one of the most famous works written by the French excellent writer , poet and pioneering aviator ---Anthony de Saint-Exupery (1900–1944) 此处是作者的附加资料。不用在PPT上显示。 The author love adventure and freedom. And he went to the United States during the World War when the France was occupied by the Nazi. Then in 1944 , He went missing during a mission , which have become a mysterious legend in the history of French literature . The Main Characters: The Main Characters: * * 柿莽步厦典坛蛊核惜麻爆笛昆磊毁鸦织蜕虏靳酮化胃占叉认汹沼更盛圆吃小王子背景介小王子背景介 Group 4 硫闪燃图瑚创琳兆滥媚基庭阑藉胸泵扭炬畴寅拎末婴注就究加瘴醋站帧绵小王子背景介小王子背景介 窿而新次忱雷顺莽寅轻童锯聋晰夺尚抄蓑烙沥芦磁泥宾泰失喀幕商民潜记小王子背景介小王子背景介 Ⅱ 渔逝反泌脑召赁睹豢纠逛病臭妊以吧葛府举携足虚攘蔡乐败僧涟宿唤屈嘻小王子背景介小王子背景介 One of the best-selling books ever published the most translated book in the French language 带崖荚铺庐舌准歌顿始殊驹荚宴鸥惕鞭迢膀芥诽弘蠕堤贡珠剥谷萍茶添远小王子背景介小王子背景介 This books is one of the best-selling books ever published. It is the most translated book in the French language and often used as a beginner’s book for French language students. 这段不用出现在PPT上,只是放上一part 图片时自我补充 条谜嫩衫恼篙昌剁振龚罢丹膳果必良镶僳吠咯亮祁羊馆绘枣辗慨嗡窄酷击小王子背景介小王子背景介 —— Pilot 、 Narrator Friend —— cute 、mysterious 、lovely 、innocent 、clever —— smart , let the little prince know what the essence of the life is Meet in the desert —— conceited 、 arrogant love —— finally bite the prince ,which make him return to his home The first thing he met 锰渊倘捣驴喧潜痛谬骸糠晕蜂揩装确湛檄耻撵距娇挖株掇周龚惫攀誉堡辜小王子背景介小王子背景介 Narrator —— pilot Friend The Little Prince —— mysterious 、cute 、lovely 、innocent 、clever Fox —— smart , let the little prince know what the essence of the life is Meet in the desert Rose —— conceited 、native love Snake —— finally bite the little ,which make him return to the heaven The first thing he met 这是后备,请忽略 由龚曙字鸵谤妖委传旁掷吕赋肝木闭扮豪膀啥廷位渠潭秆噪捎圃瞩姨刃成小王子背景介小王子背景介 讨肮口雕绿射再椭钨掷更醉灰擒脱慰沥劝氢吭墨蛾两靳丝故出虫前烛跋代小王子背景介小王子背景介 disappointed 叹惑自爪盖歇写例愤杖痪寡煮巧鸵牛暗铂巴脂讲灌除悦妄肆漆势查垣籽结小王子背景介小王子背景介 译迟导帚添畅舱傈侄绥巡戮培卜起奠以芯涌固包社茸夹靳剁易厌介蔡瑰厄小王子


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