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毕业设计(论文)材料之二(1) 安徽工程大学机电学院本科 毕业设计(论文) 专 业: 材料成型及控制工程 题 目: 熔体过热对Sn-Cu焊料合金焊接性响探索 作 者 姓 名: 导师及职称: 博 士 导师所在单位: 学 院 年 月 日 熔体过热对Sn-Cu焊料合金焊接性能影响探索 摘 要 本文以Sn-Cu作为研究对象,从温度诱导熔体结构转变的角度出发,通过改变制备温度来探索熔体结构和性质的变化规律,从而探索熔体结构对无铅焊料凝固组织及润湿性的影响规律以及焊料力学性能的变化规律。其主要内容及结论归纳如下: 1.通过探索Sn-Cu合金的电阻率-温度行为和电阻率-时间行为,发现随温度的上升,在ρ-T曲线上出现不同特征和规律的异常转折。说明发生了温度诱导熔体结构转变。 2.通过凝固实验发现,经过高温不可逆熔体转变后凝固制备的焊料组织显著细化,其中化合物相形态由粗片状变为均匀分布的细小颗粒。这可能是由于熔体中类固团簇尺寸变小且更为均匀,致使形核过冷度增大、形核率激增,晶粒数增多。 3.借助铺展实验发现,经过不可逆熔体结构转变制备的焊料的润湿性能更好,表现在铺展面积更加,润湿角更小,焊接接头过渡层更薄。这可能是由于该焊料熔化速率快、熔滴粘度小有利于焊料在铜基板上铺展,同时熔体中细小类固团簇结构不利于反应层生长,因而过渡层生长缓慢且其界面相对平整。同时,焊料的力学性能也得到了提高。 本文从熔体结构和性质变化的新视角探寻新型无铅焊料制备工艺,这是一条新颖的技术路线,具有明显的创新特色。 关键词:熔体结构;凝固组织;润湿性 Melt overheating on the Sn-Cu solder alloy welding Exploration Properties As the breakthrough point, In this paper, as the research object Sn-Cu structure with solidification structure and wettability.The contents and result are shown as follows: First Temperature and time dependence of electrical resistivities of liquid base of Sn lead-free alloys with different components was surveyed by the resistivity experiments. Different characteristics and patterns of abnormal changes along with various alloys were found on ρ-T curves. The result come about structural transition in alloy melts by temperature. Second. Refined eutectic solidification structure might result from irreversible post-transition melt. This might be due to smaller clusters hindering nucleation in the melt, resulting in lower super cooling degree and higher nucleation rate. Third. The solder obtained from irreversible structural transition melt had more advantage in wet ability, the spreading area of the solder alloy have improved, the wetting angle have decreased and the alloy welding joint interface layer more thinner. These advantages might be owing to that faster melting, lower melt viscosity of new solder that favorable for spreading, and


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