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If I cant eat chocolate in heaven, then Im not going there schuh 巧克力是瑞士人最热爱的零食,从大人到孩子,看到巧克力时,都会变得很贪吃。 Chocolate is the Swiss largest snack .From adults to children,seeing the chocolate, they will become very greedy. 也有人认为,在这个时刻的瑞士人是他们最生动的一刹那。 Some people think that at this moment the Swiss are their most dramatic moment. Switzerland has the worlds largest chocolate production enterprises and the most famous brand of chocolate.瑞士拥有世界最大的巧克力生产企业、最著名的巧克力品牌, But when the Swiss people to eat chocolate, they will choose a chocolate shop street. 但当瑞士人自己要吃巧克力时,他们一定会选择街头巧克力老店。 Switzerland is the worlds largest chocolate exporter. 瑞士一直都是世界上最大的巧克力出口国。 The per capita of Swiss chocolate consumption has been first in the world. 瑞士的人均巧克力消费量一直在世界第一 But the Swiss obesity rate is the lowest in the world one of several countries. 但瑞士人的肥胖率却是世界最低的几个国家之一 Under Swiss law true Swiss chocolate must be produce in the local. 瑞士法律规定真正的瑞士巧克力必须是在本地生产的 The Swiss make chocolate manufacturing processes and methods to perfect. 瑞士人使巧克力的制造流程和方法达到了几乎完美的地步。 Chocolate has more than 600 kinds of natural flavor pigment. 巧克力拥有超过600种的自然香味素 Here is not only the food or the art of chocolate. 在这里巧克力不仅仅是美食 还是艺术 The Swiss have their own chocolate attitude: strict ,innovation, romance. 瑞士人有属于自己的巧克力态度 严格 创新 浪漫 瑞士手工巧克力老店 Swiss chocolate shop 遍布大城小镇的巧克力老店是瑞士市井生活的一大特色。 Throughout the major cities and small towns 价格高出四五倍 The price is higher than four or five times 百年历史 century-old 代代相传 passed down from generation to generation 前店铺后作坊Workshop in behind the shop 每家的秘方不同,风味也很不一样 Different recipes for different flavor 品种多,可每样产量很少 Many varieties and little output 手工制作 口味内外一致,和机器制作风味差异很大 hand-made clear and original taste 改变了巧克力带苦味的历史 1819.A special millstone improved the yield and quality. 1830.Adding nuts made into Nuts Chocolate 1845.Mixed with milk made into milkchocolate. 1879. add cocoa butter to the hard chocolate mud 1819.Swiss established the first chocolate factory.



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