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Unit 1 身心健康 physical and mental health 彻底根除;根除 root out 生根 take hold 坚持 ling to something 脱口而出 roll off the tongue 不断的情感冲突 constant emotional confrontation 随着时间的流逝 as tome rolls by 不管喜欢不喜欢 like it or not 迈出第一步 make the first move 为他们,也是为自己 for you just as much as for them 一次性的行为 a one-off act Unit 2 活动范围 sphere of activities 在类似的情况下 under similar circumstances 我们冷漠的生活态度 our listless attitude towards life 视力正常的人看到的东西很少 the seeing see little 从冬眠中苏醒的大自然 awakening Nature after her winters sleep 放声歌唱的小鸟 a bird in full song 一幕振奋人心而永不落幕的戏剧 a thrilling and unending drama Unit 3 长期无人问津 long periods of neglect 毫无前途 have no prospects at all 时来运转 receive a break 让梦想经受考验 put one’s dreams to the test 还清债务 pay off debts 兼职 on the side 想出(方法、计划等) come up with 帮我度过难关 help me over the rough spots 做出牺牲 make sacrifices 吸取教训 absorb the lesson 往往 tend to 保持秘密,不告诉别人 keep sth. to oneself 做某事很困难 be hard pressed to do 坚持到底 stay the course Unit 4 反之亦然 in reverse 因果关系 Cause-and-effect relationship 积极向上 Look up in hope 垂头丧气 Look down in despair 一个能自我实现的预言 a self-fulfilling prophecy 加油站 A service station 感到有些心神不宁 Feel a little uneasy 染上怪病 Pick up some rare disease 积极的肯定 Positive affirmation 对…产生巨大的影响 Have a profound effect on 导致 Result in 矢志不移的坚韧 Great persistence integrate… with/ into… 充电 recharge batteries 通过反复实践 by trial and error 与……共生共存 go hand in hand with … 在想象和现实间变换 alternate between imagination and reality 超越 go beyond 待在人群中 be in the thick of crowds 区分彼此 distinguish people from each other 求稳 play safe games 使……陷于痛苦折磨中 expose sb. to suffering and pain 居于……前端,前沿 Be at the forefront of … 为……而努力,奋斗 strive for … Unit 7 3


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